Chapter Four


If you can find a flaw in the natural law I will give up the whole of my mission. Show me where the natural law may fail to operate. No, it cannot do so. Effect always follows cause as an immutable sequence. you reap what you sow; you cannot have it any other way.

                                        SILVER BIRCH

 That which you call Spiritualism is part of the natural law. The Great Spirit has ordered the universe to be ruled and to be expressed through unchanging laws. These laws control every facet of universal activity. Nowhere in the whole universe, whether it be in those regions known to you or in that much larger portion which is beyond human reach, is there absence of natural law.
 The divine will is imposed through divine ordinance. Most laws are subject to change and alteration, most laws are imperfect and do not take cognisance of every circum-stance. But the laws of the Great Spirit have provided for every contingency that will ever arise. There is no happening left to chance or accident. All is regulated, all is controlled, all comes within the divine dispensation.
 You have a physical body which is a machine. You are a spirit expressing yourself through the physical body. When you worry you close the sluice gates and the body loses the channels of its vitality. You cut yourself off from the source of supply. Until you learn that lesson, the body acts accord-ing to the natural law of action and reaction.
 Worry inhibits your aura, which is your spiritual atmo-sphere, and disturbs the psychic vibrations. Until you remove the blocks the power cannot flow through. To attain self-mastery means a long and arduous discipline, a rigorous training, a constant refusal to allow your fear to dominate you.
 The Great Spirit, with infinite love and wisdom, devised the law. The law is perfect, the law must operate. If you put the same energy you waste in worry into constructive thought, you would have no health troubles. The divine plan is perfect and you are part of it. You have to fulfil your-self. Opportunities of self-fulfilment are daily provided for you.
 I cannot change the natural law. I cannot intervene in the unalterable sequence of cause and effect. I can only warn you when I see danger signs that the physical body is weak and therefore must be cherished. It is a machine and must there-fore have attention. If neglected it must stop, so that with rest and recuperation it can resume its efficiency. You cannot cheat the natural law.
 You express yourself through your body. You reach the limit when you step over the boundary, that dividing line when energy is so dissipated that the battery has to be re-charged. This is your responsibility, because it is your body.
 Much as I love you I cannot assume responsibility for your actions, words, thoughts. You are responsible for every-thing you think, say and do. As your body is the means by which you express yourself on earth, you must give it the attention that is essential for it to perform its labours. It is a wondrous, most complex, remarkable organism, far more intricate than anyone can construct on earth. It is a marvel of apparatus, but must have attention.
  If you live in harmony with the natural laws you do not have illness, disease, or ailments. These are due to dis-harmony. Break the law and pay the price. Live within the law and reap the benefit.
 Motive is of paramount consideration, but breaking the law must produce the penalty. It is for the individual, according to his evolution, to decide whether or not he will punish his body in order to satisfy his mind. Earthly life has its place in the divine plan. You should not quit the earth before the spirit is ready for the next stage.
 Let us pose a hypothetical case of a noble person who is seriously concerned about the welfare of humanity and can make a contribution. Is he justified in damaging his physical body to make a supreme effort to do good in his own field? Only he can decide. It is unfortunate that often these decisions are actuated not by a single consideration. Some-times there is an element of vanity, the feeling that the individual is indispensable in his field.
 There are many sets of laws operating, some controlling the physical, some the mental, some the spiritual, some occasionally all interlocking.
 It is sad that people do not appreciate the truths of the spirit until they have been reduced almost to the last stage of despair, when all seems hopeless. This is because far too many base their existence on a complete negation of reality. They think nothing else matters but the world of matter.
 Somewhere the soul has to come into its own, to find itself, to become aware of itself, so that innate divinity can begin to be expressed. All this is part of the divine law of compensation. The greater the suffering, the greater the knowledge that comes as a result.
 The Great Spirit is the greatest accountant in the universe. The books of life are always balanced, the adjustments are always made. So regulated is the divine scheme that spiritually you receive just what you merit, no more, no less. This is decided by the stage you have reached by your own efforts. In the things of the spirit there is always perfect adjustment, with no cheating or pretence.
 The natural law works perfectly, guided by infinite love and wisdom. Each receives what he or she has earned. I did not make the natural laws, I only know how they work. This is cause and effect. No one can intervene between cause and effect. There are no accidents, no chances, there is only natural law in operation.
 There is never any abrogation of natural law, neither suspension, nor interference. The natural law is constant, it never varies, it cannot be changed. Live in harmony with the natural law and you reap the results. You cannot opt out of the natural law. It is supreme. The Great Spirit is the law in its sublimity, the epitome of law, not to be moved, not to be pleaded with.

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We are grateful for all that has been vouchsafed to us, for the wisdom that has enabled us to have a clearer understanding of the universe in which we live, for the supreme power that directs it through natural laws and for the relationship between that power, ourselves and one another.
 We have learned more about the working of universal laws and realise how they make provision for all that is essential to our well-being, that these laws, conceived by wisdom and directed by love, contain us all, make provision for our every need and are so comprehensive that none can be outside their orbit.

           SILVER BIRCH


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