Edited by


First Published    1945


 Silver Birch volunteered these words as a dedication for this book:

 "THE seed of truth cannot grow where the heart is hard and the mind is stony, but can flourish only where there is a receptive soul, one who is ready to receive truth and to follow truth wherever she leads.
 "Before you can be so inclined, before you are ready for truth to dwell in your midst, you must have endured some of those experiences which life provides in order to make you ready for truth.
 "When you had those experiences you may have thought that life was bitter and harsh and unkind, that you were for-gotten, or lonely, or neglected, and fate had dealt you a very hard blow. But the soul grows through adversity and the pure gold emerges after the processes of crushing and refining have taken place.
 "If you are about to read the words that follow, then you can say, with all sincerity, you are ready for truth. That does not mean you are called upon to accept all that is written here if the words strike disagreement in your mind. Reject every-thing that is contrary to your reason; discard everything that is foreign to your common sense.
 "I am only a human being just as you are, but I have trod a few more steps along the roadway of life and I have retraced those steps to tell you what lies ahead of you when cross the threshold of death to enter the new and wider life that is your inevitable destiny.
 "So approach truth with humility and with reverence, for with these qualities she will be a welcome guest in your life. Encourage her to stay, for she brings with her assurance, cer-tainty, understanding and, above all, the priceless gift of know-ledge which endures for all time."



 I HAVE heard Silver Birch, the spirit guide of the Hannen Swaffer Home Circle, speak through the lips of his entranced medium many hundreds of times; yet I do not recall an occasion when I have ever been bored by his words.
 The personality of a dead North American Indian cloaks the anonymity of his true spiritual status, for he has returned from the Beyond to serve and not to be revered.
 The mission that Silver Birch has undertaken is to teach the eternal spiritual truths to those who will listen. The wisdom he expounds is always simple and direct. He is not interested in what we call ourselves. He has no use for religious labels, creeds or dogmas. Silver Birch tells us that if we would serve the Great Spirit we must serve our fellow-men, for within each one of us is the spark of divinity which is part of the Great Spirit, the Perfect Law, or whatever conception of God we may have.
 There are few people who, on hearing the guide speak for the first time, are not impressed by the command, beauty and eloquence of his tongue. Although his terminology is always simple, his words are delivered with spontaneous fluency. Sometimes, when I listen to his perfectly-phrased utterances, my thoughts return to the early days of my association with him.
 More than a score of years have passed since I sat in my first circle. It was held in a very humble home in one of the poorer districts of London. One of the sitters, a young man who had just begun to inquire into Spiritualism was astonished to find, when the second seance he attended was over, that he had been entranced. He was, and remains, Silver Birch's medium.
 But how different were those early manifestations from those of today! When the guide first announced himself at that sitting he could barely string a few words of English together Gradually, he learned to speak with increasing fluency. It has taken him a long time to attain his present, rich vocabulary.
 The young man, chosen by Silver Birch as his earthly instru-ment, had to be tried, tested and trained in the work he was to undertake. Over a long period of years his footsteps were guided in certain directions until the desired goal was reachedーa wider field of opportunity for the words of Silver Birch to be spread far and wide.
 Those who know this guide can call him beloved friend as well as counseller and teacher. He never holds aloof from humanity, but radiates compassionate understanding of our earthly problems and weaknesses.
 The personality of Silver Birch has developed and deepened since first I knew him; or rather, it would be more accurate to say that he presents a fuller aspect of his true, spiritual indi-viduality. In the early days of his manifestation he was a 2 jesting, sometimes boisterous, but always lovable spirit control. It has been a gradual “evolution” to the wise, mature teacher of today. Even his voice has altered and now differs almost completely from that of his medium. Indeed, such another side of his individuality is now expressed that I doubt whether I would recognise him as the same spirit guide were it not for our con-tinued association. There are, it is true, certain characteristics that have not changed. He still exhibits a keen sense of humour and maintains the gift of rapid repartee.  
 But why, it may be asked, has such a change, however gradual, in the same guide's personality taken place? If his teaching is of such great value, why did he not begin this work in the early days of his control? These are questions anyone is entitled to ask and I do not profess to know all the answers. I can only give my
own opinion based, certainly, on a little knowledge of the methods used by the spirit world to propagate the facts of Survival. The help and guidance we receive from the Beyond are meant to be shared with others. Those who selfishly keep to themselves the proofs they receive do not continue, indefinitely, to obtain convincing evidence. The facts about spirit return need to be spread so that others may receive similar comfort. In much the same way, spirit teaching is also intended to reach as wide a field as possible.
 It was first of all necessary for Silver Birch to attain fluency of language before he could begin his mission of teaching. This could not be done at once. In any case, there was no oppor-tunity in those early days, of circulating his words widely. And even if there had been the means, the serious purport of the guide's mission would not have been readily understood by the sitters amongst whom he first manifested; neither was the youth-ful medium sufficiently developed to allow the control's noble personality to express itself completely. The gay, jesting Indian who first introduced himself at the circle sustained the interest and held the affection of the sitters while, all the time, the psychic powers of the medium were being developed.
 Still the sceptic may be justified, on reading the foregoing, in asking: “But how do you know that the one you call Silver Birch is a real person? The medium may, in the process of time, have acquired wider knowledge and experience. This may account for the changed personality of the so-called guide who might be but a part of the medium's larger consciousness.”
 If I tell the doubter that I am sure the medium is incapable, when normal, of producing, spontaneously or otherwise, similar oratory to the guide's, that answer is not enough; not even if the following tribute to Silver Birch, which was written by an experienced journalist, is read:
 "The teaching of Silver Birch is an example of spirit alchemy, the ability to take the twenty-six letters of the alphabet and transmute them into words of shimmering beauty. As one who spends the whole of his working life in writing, I can appreciate that the faculty of being able to deliver, week after week, words of wisdom, full of eloquent simplicity, in this spontaneous fashion, is in itself evidence of supernormality.
 "Like other journalists who live by their pen, I know that simple English is the most difficult to write. I know how you have to polish and repolish, alter words, delete others, change sentences, consult the dictionary and the thesaurus, before you are satisfied. Yet, here is a dead man who, without hesitation, can produce perfect prose. Everything he says is full of common sense, inspiring, uplifting and ennobling.
 "He reduces religion to the fundamental of service to one another. He reveals a God of natural law, not a personal, tribal deity, subject to caprice, wrath or vengeance. Silver Birch's words glisten like diamonds. You visualise an evolved being, full of love for all humanity, striving to teach truths that are hidden from the worldly wise but revealed to minds which are simple, like those of children. He has the one message of service to offer a bewildered mankind, but he seems to have an infinite number of ways of expressing his gospel.
 "As one who has read his teaching for years, I salute a master of English, a great literary craftsman whom I have grown to love and admire.
 A sign of supernormalityーthe sceptic may agree—but has Silver Birch ever proved his separate identity? The answer is "Yes.” On more than one occasion he has furnished meーand othersーwith convincing proof that he is an entirely different individual from the medium.
 The first time he supplied this evidence was many years ago. I was then attending a circle in North London where Silver Birch spoke regularly through his medium. It was, however, long before the Hannen Swaffer Home Circle was formed. I found myself, at that time, in great personal difficulties. Indeed, there was a major crisis in my lífe. Referring to my troubles, the guide made me a promise at one of our sittings. It was a specific promise which bore, for me, the most important implications.
 I told him I found it hard to believe that such an avowal could possibly be fulfilled in view of the prevailing circumstances. And, because I was experiencing some emotional stress, I could not help reminding Silver Birch that his medium was well acquainted with my problems. "How do I know that your instrument's subconscious mind is not directing your words?" I asked. I even
added, “You have never given me proof of your separate existence.” Silver Birch quietly replied: "Next week you are going to sit in a voice circle at the home of Estelle Roberts. During that sitting I will announce myself through the trumpet and repeat the promise I have just made. If I do this, will you doubt me again?" I agreed that such a test would convince me.
 The following week I went to Estelle Roberts's voice circle. About half-way through the sitting, the trumpet moved in my direction and the voice of Red Cloud, Estelle's own guide, addressed me. Now I know Silver Birch by a familiar name other than the one he is generally called. Red Cloud, by making a verbal play on certain words, very cleverly introduced this familiar name to me before he said, "Here is somebody for you, little lady.”
 Then the voice of Silver Birch announced his presence. He gave the name by which I knew him. It was the same voice, the same personality, the same vocal characteristics that I had previously heard through the lips of his entranced medium at the North London circle. At this voice seance, held by a psychic of the highest integrity, Silver Birch repeated, word for word, the promise made through his own medium. He gave such definite details concerning what he had said at our own sitting that I knew, beyond question, he was a living, separate individual from his earthly instrument.
 I have never, since that day, had reason to doubt the guide's separate existence. Incidentally, the promise he made was fulfilled despite what seemed then to be insurmountable obstacles standing in the way.
 And, at the time of writing, it is only three weeks ago that, once again, Silver Birch not only proved his own separate individ-uality again to me, but furnished striking evidence of the close-ness of his presence and the "human-ness” of the co-operation the guides give us.
 A certain crisis had arisen, one which had major repercussions outside our domestic circle. At the moment, I am not permitted to tell the whole story. I spoke to Silver Birch on the subject while his medium was in trance. Again, the medium was acquainted with the question under discussion. But, giving me advice, instructions and promises, Silver Birch told me that he would try through another source, within the next few days, to provide confirmation of what he had said.
 Now it so happens that I was going to sit, very soon, both with Estelle Roberts and Kathleen Barkel, neither of whom knew anything about the nature of the information I hoped to receive. Naturally, then, I thought that the confirmation of the guide's words would come from one, or both, of these mediums. But to my amazement, striking confirmation came from an entirely different source, through Lilian Bailey, a medium from whom I had received no communication of any kind for many months past. Three days after I spoke to Silver Birch she telephoned me. Despite the fact that she was practically confined to her bed at the time, she had been trying for the last two days, without success, to speak to me by telephone.
 Lilian Bailey stated that Bill Wootton, her guide, wished to give me a message. "Wait a moment,” she said at the other end of the receiver, “I am going to be controlled.” Then her guide spoke to me on the telephone and gave me the most remarkable confirmation of Silver Birch's message through his own medium, telling me, indeed, that Silver Birch had asked him to provide this confirmation.
 Later, I sat with Lilian Bailey, through whose entranced lips there poured a stream of evidence, confirming what Silver Birch had previously told me. "Silver Birch says you received from Red Cloud, two days ago, more confirmation of what I have said," I was told. This was true. When I sat with Estelle Roberts, two days previously, Red Cloud had referred to the words of
Silver Birch. Wootton also indicated that the message given by Silver Birch would also be confirmed by yet another guide. Again, when I sat with Kathleen Barkel, her guide, White Hawk told me, "You are seeking confirmation of what has already been imparted to you."
 Here, then, is a perfect case of co-operation between spiritsーliving, sentient beings who can direct, help and guide us in our earthly affairs when they consider it necessary.
 And now I furnish one further proof of Silver Birch's separate identity which provides also an example of his power to aid those in need. In Chapter VI I tell the story of an editor and his wife who visited our home circle. They were Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Findon who, mourning the passing of their son in the war, were seeking evidence of his survival. While he offered them con-solation in their sorrow, Silver Birch told them that he would approach Red Cloud and ask that their son might be helped to communicate with them at one of the voice seances given by Estelle Roberts.
 This medium was, naturally, not informed of the Findons visit to our home circle, nor of the promise Silver Birch had made to them. Yet, on the same day as the typewritten records of our seance were delivered, as usual, to my husband at his office, Estelle Roberts telephoned him. She said that Silver Birch had appeared before her three times. The fact that this medium could see and identify the guide is but one more proof of his individual existence. On each occasion, Estelle stated, he brought with him a young airman who begged her to invite his parents to one of her seances. She said she wished she could adequately describe the expression on the face of Silver Birch as he led the dead airman to her. The guide's countenance bore a look of gentle, but irresistible appeal. Mrs. Roberts agreed to give the parents a sitting. And at a subsequent seance attended by Mr. and Mrs. Findon their son furnished adequate proof that the bonds of love continue beyond the grave.
 Throughout the years of the war, despite the difficulties attending spirit communication, Silver Birch has held fast to the threads that bind him to his earthly friends. Our home circle has continued to meet in a London flat, where the guide's help, counsel and encouragement have been of inexpressible comfort to us all. As in times of peace, his words have been regularly printed and circulated so that all who wished could tap the same source of spirit guidance as ourselvesーfor that is why our sittings are held.
 We are not important as individuals but merely the instru-ments chosen by Silver Birch to spread his teaching. And I think it is because our particular circle has been the means of helping so many thousands face their wartime difficulties with courage that we were promised by Silver Birch, when the air raids on London first began, that we would receive spirit protection from the bombs. He gave us this promise unasked, and he has kept his word. Although all the members of the circle have been sub-jected to danger; although bombs and rockets have fallen in
every neighbourhood where individual sitters live and work, we have emerged unscathed. Not one of our homes has suffered the slightest damage.
 Is it a "coincidence” that the vicinity of the flat where the circle meets became known to the local Á.R.P. personnel as "the lucky sector"? Not so much as a single incendiary bomb has ever fallen in that area, although the rest of the neighbourhood received damage. Silver Birch's protection extended beyond the immediate home circle to other earthly instruments closely con-nected with his work. As I note in a chapter dealing with the subject, spirit protection is a controversial question, and I merely state the facts of what has occurred in our own cases.
 For many years now, the messages Silver Birch has delivered at our sittings have been printed in “Psychic News”. They have also appeared in book form. During the war, his noble utterances have been read by thousands of the fighting services. Soldiers, sailors and airman in different theatres of war have sent touching
tributes to the guide and have affirmed that his messages have inspired and helped them in times of difficulty and danger. Here, in a letter sent by Sergeant H. R. Kite, of the British Liberation Army, is but one example of the help and encouragement the words of Silver Birch have given:
 "I have just finished reading “More Teachings of Silver Birch,' the last few chapters I read whilst travelling through Holland. I am deeply impressed by his magnificent eloquence and his perfect way of explaining the various questions put to him.
 "I would like him to know that, even here on the battlefield, his messages are being read and having their specified effect. I sincerely hope his efforts are recognised in some form or other. May God bless him!
 "I am passing on this knowledge and have created a stir in the mess here. I have been connected with Spiritualism for 15 years, but it has only been during the past few years that my mind has grasped the tremendous depth and height of the subject.”.
 Because I have known and honoured Silver Birch for so long, the editing of this latest volume of his utterances has been a labour of love to me. The work was completed soon after the war in Europe came to an end. May the peace that has come at last to this weary, battle-scarred western hemisphere herald also the dawn of the New World. It is ever in this direction that the guide asks us to turn our eyes in anticiption—that there will be ushered in the brotherhood of man, the foundation upon which is based the teaching of Silver Birch.

                         SYLVIA BARBANELL

                                              June 1945


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