SPIRITUALISM has its enemies in the Beyond as well as in this earthly world! This statement was made by Silver Birch when he was asked whether there was any organisation on the Other Side directed against Spiritualism.
 "Yes, it is always part of the trouble,” said the guide. "It is not the organised opposition in the sense in which it is told of the war in the heavens between the fallen angels and the good angels; that is only a symbolic picture.
 "There are, unfortunately, forces which are not charitably disposed towards the spread of truth, wisdom and knowledge, and wherever they can they seek to use their influence. You find them at nearly all gatherings like this, but where the gatherings are harmonious, where there is real co-operation between earthly members and those in our world, then they are powerless to penetrate.
 "It is when conditions are as chaotic as they have beenーthey are gradually improving—when the very atmosphere is rent with discord, that these forces can best succeed, and that explains a good deal of the interference with messages that go wrong. It is a kind of sabotage, and watchfulness has to be exer-cised. That is why it is unwise for individuals to attempt the unfoldment of psychic faculties when they are alone. There is no power there to enable a control or guide to build up sufficient strength to ward away the interlopers and the un-desirables.
 "The world of spirit is entirely composed of human beings who once lived on earth. It is not a world full of angelic cherubim. It is a world filled with a variety of human beings ranging from the very poor in spirit to the highest in saintliness. It is composed of the people who have come to it from your world, and until all people in your world live lives that are clean, unselfish, filled with service and kindliness, there will always be a proportion in our world who include the un-desirables and those who will still have to be helped and watched. That is the whole reason."
 "But,” said a member of the circle, “if you have undesirables who throw a spanner in the works, could not people like your-self deal with them?"
 "We do as far as this is possible," answered the guide, “but do not forget that a lot of them are not amenable to our in-fluence. We cannot reach them. They become amenable to our influence only when they are touched in some way so that they are ready to be helped. You must appreciate that they cannot harm us. They can try to get near earth, to which their own condition more closely approximates. The trouble arises, not in our world as such, but only when we ourselves have to lower our vibrations to come down to earthly vibrations, and when we are coming closer to the level on which they themselves exist."
 "When," said the sitter who was asking these questions, "some of those living in this world make a nuisance of them-selves, people go up to them and use their skill to put them right. You cannot do that."
 "Your skill,” was the reply, “consists in condemning them to death and sending them into our world to create another problem there."
 "But with some individuals," persisted the sitter, "we can tell them where they are wrong, and probably put them on the right path.”
 "And probably not as well,” said Silver Birch.
 "We can put them in prison," said another member of the circle, "but it does not correct their minds or stop them. It is not a remedy. How seldom it is that you can persuade people to change their minds.”
 "It is not always very easy in your world to trace the ones responsible for misdeeds," said Silver Birch, "and they can hide themselves behind others. But there is a great difference be-tween your world and ours. Ours is one in which individuals can live only in the sphere for which their evolution fits them. In your world, people of different attainments live on the same physical level. But it has its advantage as well.
 "But do not exaggerate the extent of this interference or opposition. It is not large in comparison with the effort that is being made in the other direction, but it does exist. And, over and above all that, there are still the fantastically-minded exponents of sectarian thought who continue to exert their opposition."
 "Are those the worst of them all?" was the next question.
 "No," said Silver Birch, “they are not as bad in most cases because the number of those who are conscious of what is going on is very small. The large majority live in a kind of dream fantasy that is the result of their fixed and closed minds."
 A letter from a Roman Catholic was read to Silver Birch at another meeting of the circle. The writer quoted the teaching of his Church against Spiritualism. But, in his perplexity, he admitted that if spirit communication was true then it would be wonderful to the people of the world.” He also said that a result of proving Survival would be "more love among people on earth, less sin and war."
 "Let us rejoice,” said Silver Birch, in his reply, "that one soul has seen at least a glimmer of light and is struggling, amidst difficulty, to understand the relationship of this light towards what he has believed to be the truth as he has received it. At least he is asking questions, and when that stage is reached it is the beginning. Tell him to persevere with his questions, to prove all things, hold fast to that which is proved true, and to discard all that which cannot come within the range of proof or reason.
 "Tell him that he makes many statements. "Is he sure that they are all true? Where he cannot prove them he should ask, 'Are they reasonable?' If his mind, which is the gift of the Great Spirit, rejects some of them afterwards as unreasonable, then let him discard them and build his religion only on that which will withstand all test, inquiry, examination, criticism, doubt and will remain firm."
 The guide went on: "It would take too long to deal with each statement in turn, but as one example he says that "God said to Moses ...' How does he know that God said to Moses ...'? Until he can prove that, or deduce reasons to show that at least it comes within the bounds of credibility, it is not sufficient to say 'God said to Moses.' Then, what follows, must be subjected to the scrutiny of reason. Even if it could have been said, has it any application today?
 "If he examines and inquires he will find that much which he has accepted in days gone by as being true will not stand the test of inquiry, and he will build his religion on the founda-tions of knowledge. And, when the winds of doubt blow, it will not be disturbed, for knowledge is a rock. Give him my love, and tell him to persevere.”
 A question arose from an answer given by Silver Birch some time ago in which he said that every experience, every action, word and thought played its part, however small it might be, in life. The question asked by a woman was, “How can we control our thought successfully to enable us to be sure of our words and actions?”
 The answer was: "Tell her to grow in stature by seeking to discipline herself mentally and spiritually, to learn to exercise control over every aspect of being, to assert supremacy of the superior spirit which should take control and regulate all the activities of the instrument through which it manifests.
 "Self-discipline through determination to assert the mastery of the spirit is the only way. There are no prescribed text books, but the simple growth of the soul, as it learns to allow its in-herent strength to take charge, prevents the brain from being an undisciplined disciple of a controlled instrument."
 "Is there not a danger," began the next query, "of people using Spiritualism merely to concentrate on communion with their own loved ones and thereby losing sight of their duty and dimming their vision of the Great Spirit?”
 "There is always the problem that knowledge will be mis-used," answered the guide. "All things can be used or abused. That is one of the problems that must be faced. Of course, there are some who will see in this a means of satisfying their own misery, and it is right that where there is sadness it should be assuaged.
 "It is right that grief should be lightened and sorrow driven out. Do not deprecate the means by which those who mourn are comforted. That is very necessary, and it often is the turning point in their lives. Once the ache is healed and the tears are dried up, the heaviness dissipated, and the load lightened; once knowledge has driven out ignorance, it would be sheer selfish-ness to persist if there were nothing in the desire except the concern over their two selves.
 "Wisdom dictates that as being rational, but I think you will findーand here again I am generalising and there may be exceptions—that where such communication has been well established, the door having been opened, others will make their presence felt and seek to use the new channel as a means of enlightening others.
 "My long, long experience has confirmed the wisdom of the judge not' exhortation. It seems so easy to criticise others. But, alas, it is so rare that we can only do so when in possession of all the circumstances that would warrant fair criticism. If all people ceased to worry about the selfishness of others and had a little more thought about their own defects and how they could be improved, perhaps there could be more progress in your world.”
 Asked, "How does an avowed materialist fare when he passes over?” Silver Birch replied: "Your world for too long has been deluded with the idea that the ones who call themselves reli-gious possess a spiritual advantage over their fellows. That is not axiomatic. You are not the spiritual superior of your fellow because you believe in certain theological doctrines.
 "The only test which is applied is the test of daily life. Your spiritual nature is exactly what you have made it to be, and there are many materialists and atheists and rationalists and agnostics who are the spiritual superiors of thousands who think that they are amongst the elect because they have bowed the knee in homage to the Great Spirit and accept certain doctrines. The test is not what you believe, but what you have done, otherwise there would be a complete mockery of divine justice.”
 Someone said, "We are told we must fight vested interests; how can we do this?" The guide replied: "By fighting them. If he sees iniquity, let him wage war on it. He need not think that it falls to each man to fight the supreme tyrant of your earthly world. There is a vested interest in every little village, in every city, in every town. Let him declare war on that. It is unfortunately true that mankind's eyes are holden, that he sees so little of the truth that he desires to rescue others when he is not rescued himself.
 "He who wishes to reform the world should begin by reform-ing himself. Our task is to state eternal truths as simply as possible. Once you understand them, then you have to spread them, and in spreading them you have to clear out of the way all the impediments and obstacles and all whose desire is to maintain the old because it gives them a vested interest.
 "That is what I mean. You have to fight all the selfish prin-ciples; you have to fight all the tyrants, large or small; all those who live upon the backs of the people; all the parasitical growths of those who make a profit out of disease and slums; all those who enrich themselves at the expense of their fellows. Surely there is no need for a detailed campaign to be outlined. Any who possess grains of sense can see where the task lies.”
 "The writer wants you to recommend a political party," it was stated.
 "I don't care what party is joined,” said Silver Birch. “I am only concerned with the life that is lived. I realise that as long as you keep to simple truths you cannot go wrong."
 The faith of this evolved spirit in man's divine heritage was expressed in his own vibrant prayer: "Oh, Great White Spirit, we are living witnesses to Thy eternal truths, to Thy power and to Thy unchanging law. We see Thee reflected in the panorama of nature which is Thy divine handiwork.
 "Thou art to be seen in the rising and the setting of the sun, in the glittering stars in the firmament, in the lapping of the ocean's tide, in the gentle breeze, in the nodding pines, in the droning insects, in the azure skies, in all the facets of an ever-changing natural order of life.
 "Thou art to be found in the spirit which is within all Thy living creatures. In man Thou art seen as individual conscious-ness, for Thou hast raised him up so that he can partake with Thee in the processes of shaping infinite creation.
 "Thou hast bestowed on man many of Thy divine attributes, and he possesses as a consequence the gifts of the spirit, those faculties which enable him to be aware of the more subtle forces of life, the power of the spirit.
 "It is this power which has made life possible; it is this power which distinguishes him from the whole of creation; it is this power which gives him the ability to think and judge, to reflect and decide, to behold beauty and to understand it, to receive wisdom and to appreciate it, to acquire knowledge and to value it.
 "It is this power which makes him subject to the  inspiration of the larger life; it is this power which makes it possible for him to come to the rescue of those who bear life's difficulties; it is this power which makes him aware of the world of spirit and all its denizens who seek to use him in the larger fields of service; it is this power which makes him aware of his own place in the vast cosmic scheme. 
 "We desire to spread knowledge of all that which will make man fulfil his appointed role, which will enable him to claim his larger destiny.
 "Thus will he be able to drive out all the darkness which at present obscures the light; thus will he be able to live in wisdom, truth, understanding, harmony and peace; thus will he play his part in helping others to understand their relationship to Thee, the purpose of their lives and to realise the greater life which awaits them beyond the door that men call death.
 "This is the prayer of Thy Indian servant who seeks to serve."


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