First published 1952
Second Impression 1952


      Edited by



      By the Editor

 IT is gratifying to find that there is a demand for one more volume of the teachings of Silver Birch, who is known, far and wide, as the guide of Hannen Swaffer's home circle. This is the sixth book in the series devoted to his philosophy. There have also been two booklets, one a summary of his wisdom, and the other a selection from his prayers.
 Cold print cannot do justice to this guide's warm humanity; neither can it convey the love that emanates from him. He is a dignified soul, eloquent in utterance, noble in outlook, always
ready to help and constantly refusing to condemn. Simplicity is the characteristic of his teachings, which are stamped with the hall-mark of truth.
 No attempt has been made to present, in chronological form, the seances from which this wisdom was distilled. Sometimes a chapter is a complete record of one sitting. Other chapters, how-ever, may contain extracts from two or more seances.  
 I have tried to avoid repetition, but this has proved difficult, seeing that the essence of Silver Birch's teachings is to reiterate, in many diverse forms, the same fundamental truths. Always, however, the guide's own words are given.
 As has been explained in previous books, his utterances are recorded by a stenographer. It is a remarkable tribute to Silver Birch to state that he is such an accomplished master of the English language that it is necessary only to insert the commas, semi-colons and full stops, indicated by the pauses in his speech, and the result is a masterpiece of clarity and lucidity.
 It must also be added that Silver Birch speaks without faltering, and that, when questioned, the answer flows immediately the questioner has finished. It is done so rapidly that newcomers find it hard to believe that it is an impromptu performance.
 Old friends of Silver Birch will welcome this book. Others, I am sure, will, when they have read these pages, join the large number of readers who regard him with affection and love.


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