Compiled by

     First edition 1979
     This edition 1985


THIS book is the result of countless hours' reading, sifting and collation. It contains Silver Birch's views as recorded verbatim during seven years' sittings of Hannen Swaffer's home circle. Apart from the summer, they were held monthly.
 I have attempted to produce a compendium of Silver Birch's philosophy and teachings as they relate to personal, national and even international affairs. The subjects chosen are deliberately diverse. Silver Birch welcomed the thorny questions from which many would prefer to shy away. In simple but profound language he paints a vocal masterpiece with an economy of words skilfully used to their full potential.
 I well remember the impact this gentle spirit sage made on me during visits to the world's most famous circle. Often, I had to restrain myself from gazing at the medium. This over-energetic man, normally at the centre of a journalistic and business whirlpool, sat passively as the guide's words came. Yet to the medium it was almost anathema to sit unoccupied.
 Silver Birch always arrived peacefully. Since the guide first entranced his medium, then a teenage agnostic who went sceptically to a Spiritualist gathering, his philosophy has not changed.
 This is not a weakness. The fact that Silver Birch's teachings have endured many world crises and social revolutions illustrate their inherent strength and practicality.
 To set the stage for Silver Birch, I can do no better than to quote what he told me at one visit to his circle:
 "Do not underestimate the power of the written word. Through it we have been able to reach many people in other lands. The words they have read, which I am privileged to express as an instrument for higher powers, have changed their lives and given them a course, a direction, a path they can tread. Ignorance has been replaced by knowledge, darkness by light, speculation by certainty, fear by serenity. They are able to begin to fulfil themselves, as all should who are on earth.
 "All this is done by the printed word in which you are privileged to participate. It is not ephemeral, like the spoken word which is often forgotten. It is permanent. It is there to be read again and again. As understanding grows new meanings are discovered.
 "Thus we are able to help many who thought no hope was possible from anything or anybody on earth. That is
the great privilege of service you and I and others are able to perform. It should make us very humble and aware of the responsibility placed on us. It is to ensure that we do, say or transmit nothing that in any way would detract from the nobility, grandeur and dignity of the sublime truths we proclaim."
 I can take no credit for this book and will return to the wings. Silver Birch, gentle mentor, loving guide, the stage is yours.

          TONY ORTZEN


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