The question and answer session continued. "There are thousands, perhaps millions, of people suffering in the world today. Are they all souls paying for past misdeeds? Have they had to come back to suffer?"
 They are part and parcel of the one great evolutionary ladder. It is not possible to give a simple answer to cover a complex law at work. To judge physical happenings without the knowledge of spiritual qualification must fail. Rest your faithーbecause this is a matter of faith, not knowledgeーon what has been revealed to you, that the Great Spirit is the epitome of love and wisdom, and justice is done to all in time.
 Your world is only one little aspect of being. It is not the whole of eternity. There is compensation and there is retribution. Every soul does come into its own. If attempt to judge the Great Spirit by the infinitesimal fraction that you see operating in your physical world, you will fail because you are obviously unaware of all the other aspects that form part of eternity.
 Nothing is ever forgotten, nothing is overlooked, nothing is neglected. The law encompasses all. Every being, every aspect, every facet, small or large, simple or complex, all are part of the immutable law. Where you cannot understand, realise that you are dealing with something you cannot measure. You are limited perforce by the restriction that the physical body imposes on your soul. But love reigns supreme. The Great Spirit is love and love fulfils itself in time with all.
 We come back to your world because we love you. We will do everything in our power to help you, but we cannot give you what you are not able to assimilate. It is only through growth that understanding comes. Each rung on the ladder reveals, as you climb it, the rung above, and all these rungs stretch towards infinity. I cannot solve all your problems for because there are factors that cannot be made clear to you.
 The knowledge you have received must be the base on which to build your faith, not unreasoning, incredulous faith, but the faith which is founded on what has been shown to you, that there is a divine plan ordained by divine love and wisdom, and at all times you are encom-passed by it. This should make you realise that whatever happens to you or anybody else in your world is part of the plan.
 There is no difficulty so great that you have not the power within and without to help you to overcome it and emerge as a result greater in spiritual stature. This is
the whole object of your earthly existence, to learn your lessons and to be the better equipped spiritually as a result.
 If at any time doubts come into your mind, then pause. Let your minds go back to the days that are past and realise how you have been led to bring you where you are today. You are fortunate to be in possession of these wondrous truths that have continued to illuminate your earthly lives. They have brought you the great link with your own loved ones and others not of your kith and kin but spiritually related to you. Their desire is to co-operate so that together we can help so many others who, alas, live in a miasma of ignorance. This is the reason for our returning to you.


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