What will be the world of the future, when man has learned the laws of the spirit and lives according to their dictates? The birth of this New World cannot be ordained by any dictator or government or league of nations. It will come only when men have earned it. A taste of the joys to come is given by Silver Birch below:

   You are now in the midst of the crisis. As always happens before there is a birth, there is much pain. The birth of the new order means much pain. Even when the new order comes, there will be growing pains.
 But there has been planted in your world a seed that will grow, and the efforts of those in high places to destroy the seed will fail. It was said, a long time ago: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” That is going to happen.
  There will be many big changes. There will be break-ups, and there will be many upheavals. There will be what you think is darkness and difficulty. You will say “Things are worse.” But, all the time, there is behind it all a power which is making for the progress of the world.
 There are many of us who have been allowed by those who are higher and above us to see your world as it will be one day. That conception we try to transmit to those who are receptive, to inspire them to go on with their work. The pictures I have seen make your present world more ugly than it is. I see what it could be like—and what it must be like. It is only a question of time.
 One day, there will arise a new race that will recognize that all politics, religion, science and knowledge are part of one thing. Then pain, sorrow, fear, mourning and unhappiness will be banished and your world will be a place of smiles and happy laughter. The greatest teacher who could come into your world today would be one who could work to lift the sorrows of others and make the lives of others better.
 You have tried to build a world where, when one man has something, instead of using it to help the others, he tries to keep it for himself, with the result that in time he makes a system that must collapse because its foundations are wrong.
 When you have people who develop their gifts, which all come from the Great Spirit, and use them for the benefit of all the others, then there will be built a system founded on that which is eternal.
 They are not new things that we try to teach you. They are the old, old truths that those who have seen with the eyes of the spirit have taught you for many, many years. But you have neglected them and so it is necessary for us to teach them to you once again, to show you that you must learn the lessons of the Great Spirit. You have nearly destroyed your world by the follies of your own ideas.
 Your world must get back to the Great Spirit and His laws. It is coming back. Slowly, I can see how the laws of the Great Spirit are coming into fulfilment.
    What you must try to learn is that the bounty of the Great Spirit must be properly divided amongst the people. You have people who have too little to eat and you have people with too much to eat. That, of course, must be wrong. You have to divide the things you have among the people that you have. Is not that simple?
 You must break down vested interests. The laws are perfect. If you live your own life, seeking only to serve others, then because of that the Great Spirit operates through you. That applies to you and it applies to all. If you say it is not possible, I say it is possible, for it is the only way. The Law is perfect and you cannot cheat it. You must learn the Law and put it into operation.
 For many, many years the children of earth have used their free will to build up that which has to be destroyed. Slowly, the light of the Great White Spirit has been penetrating the darkness of your world, and out of the ruins of its chaos and disorder there is being built a new world of the Great Spirit, where there will be no inequality, no injustice, no division of those who have too much from those who have too little, where all the gifts will be divided and all the bounty will be evenly spread.
 I do not care by what name you call the dawn of the new world, but it is the world of the Great Spirit coming into fulfilment, accompanied by His power, and the service of all faithful hearts who seek but to bring new joy, new life, new happiness into the world of matter, so that there shall cease coming into our world the wrecks of yours.
 Sometimes you may think that that work is being retarded, but all the time there is being used, even against their know-ledge, people in all places, instruments unknown even to themselves. The Great Spirit will not allow His children to destroy themselves. That is why I have urged you again and again to help. Whether you call it politics or not, I do not care. The work goes on. We all work together. It cannot be stopped now.
    I am proud that because of our efforts we have accom- plished so much throughout the world of matter. Hearts that were once sad are now a little more joyful. Light has pierced the gloom of darkness. Now, there is a little more knowledge where before there was ignorance. We have aided those who have become faint-hearted, given strength to those who were weary, guided those who had lost their way and acted as an incentive to those who strive to work for their fellows, giving them the realization that behind them there is a mighty host of spirit spurring them on in all their endeavours for the Great Spirit and His children.
 And I am also happy that I have been able to bring to you some of those you love and who love you, so that you may realize more than you ever did before that you have never lost them, that death does not divide but brings together those whom love and affection and friendship have made one in heart and soul.
 I wish you could see the extent of our influence. We have helped to break barriers, to remove obstacles and to bring knowledge. These are thc things your world needs, the simple truths that will enable spiritual, mental and material freedom to come to your world. As you know, we live only to serve, for through service and service alone can your world be saved from itself.
 I want to remind you all once again I am only an instru- ment. I am only one of many seeking to bring you the truth, the simple truth of the spirit, the realization that you are all parts of the Great Spirit of all life. The Great Spirit is within you. You have a divine heritage and are entitled to all the bounty of the Great Spirit because of your latent divinity, and all obstacles and institutions that stand in the way of that fullness must be swept aside. Our labour is not only to free the souls and minds, but the bodies also.
 That is the task to which we have dedicated ourselves. That is the service we strive to perform. If I, as an instrument, am privileged to bring you those truths which help you, then I rejoice. I have worked among you for some time and I will continue to work with you, so that through our united efforts we may bring some help-help that is badly needed-into your world. You have the knowledge, you have the truth, you have the responsibility that comes with all knowledge ot using it so that you are greater instruments.
   Remember always, when men question you, that the hall-mark of divine truth is stamped on our message because we appeal only to your reason. The message that we bring you is one that does not debase you, that does not demean your intelligence, that does not seek to turn you from the paths of service, goodness or rectitude. Rather docs it strive to make you realize your latent divinity, so that, conscious of your own tie with the Great Spirit, you may so order your lives that the Great Spirit of all life is expressed in all that you do.
 Great work can be achieved if all those who are conscious of spiritual truths will band themselves together and use their power to dissipate the fog of darkness which has risen in the world of matter. Go forward with great confidence, know-ing that all the forces of goodness, helpfulness and service are at your side.
 There is a great field for service in front of us all. We look forward with joyful anticipation to the fact that we will be able to help many who do not know where to turn, who have left behind them the old shibboleths, who do not trust any more the faith of yesterday and who search for the truth which will withstand the questionings of today. We bring them the knowledge of spiritual truth and spiritual law. We seek to remind them of their own innate powers of divinity, to make them understand the Godhood that is theirs, so that they may sweep away for ever the ideas of cringing self- abasement before a vengeful, wrathful deity.
 We seek to make your world of matter realize the great power of spirit, waiting to co-operate with all those who strive to serve the children of the Great Spirit, so that, armed with knowledge, they can fight all superstition and all that belongs to the mists of darkness, and allow the light of spiritual truth to radiate its glorious beams. That is our task. And we bring with us that power of the spirit which can inspire and guide, which can uphold and sustain, which can bring food to hungry minds, healing to bodies racked with pain, which can bring inspiration and revelation, truth and wisdom for all.
 We can fill them with this power just as they provide us with the capacity to understand and receive it. We seek to co-operate with all who desire to uplift mankind, whether they be inside the Churches or outside, whether they have the labels of religion or none at all, whether they be scientists, materialists, philosophers.


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