AS many of the seances recorded in this book took place in war-time, it is natural that there should be comments on the ever-changing events. After every bitter blow, Silver Birch has cheered us with words of encouragement and optimism. His faith in the ultimate triumph of good over evil has never wavered. It was with reluctance that he retired into the inner spheres, as is his custom, for the first Christmas of the war—the following Easter he stayed with usーbut he felt it was necessary for his future work that he should with-draw to “recharge” himself.
 "I do not seek this time the joys of the inner spheres,” he said. "Irksome though it isーand it does chaff the soulーto remain in your earthly vibrations, when it knows what beauties it can taste. I would have preferred to stay amongst you to share the difficulties of your daily life, with all its petty restrictions and inconveniences caused by the war that must of necessity upset your mental and spiritual equilibrium. I only go because I feel I need more power, so that I can return to give, perhaps, greater service. When my voice is stilled, think of me as I shall think of you all; for I shall carry your love with me, as I hope to leave my love with you. I have been very touched by your loyalty and by your devotion, for you have remained constant in the time of crisis. I am proud
of those whose affections are so willingly given and whose confidence I hope I have earned.
 "I have striven to hold you with love and service, to guide you and share your experiencesーnever to rob you of your responsibilities, for that I cannot do, but to help you to find that greater self that restlessly seeks for a fuller expression. For many years we have forged links of love and friendship. Time has not stilled or dimmed that which holds us together and makes us one in purpose. The voice that has spoken to you will be stilled for a little while, but the love which is manifest will continue with you. With love I come; with love I go.
 "My heart is tinged with sadness as I contemplate the events of the past few months and see the forces of evil that have been let loose in your world. We have all had to drink from the cup of bitterness, for we have seen the labours of so many cast on one side through a fault which is not ours. One man's mentality upset the plannings of countless beings whose desire was to lead mankind into the paths of plenty, of happiness, of peaceful security.
 "Unhappiness stalks your world, with fear as its gloomy companion. There is dread lest the Angel of Death shall remove loved ones from the field of battle. In the hour of darkness be strong and do not waver. Keep fear from enter-ing the gate of your mind and soul. Maintain a resolute conviction, based on the facts as revealed to you, that you are divine spirits, conscious of your obligations to your higher selves, knowing the purpose of your earthly sojourn, deter-mined by the lives you lead to exercise your spirits so that they are prepared for the greater experiences beyond death.
 "In all your difficulties, you are never alone. If you have to endure sorrow, we will share it with you. We will strive to give you strength in your hour of weakness, light in your time of darkness, hope when all seems drear and black. With the knowledge that you are all parts of the Great Spirit, strive to reach out to the highest heights that you can scale, know-ing that, whilst earth may affect temporarily the bodies through which you function, your spirits emerge unscathed to face the greater light of a new day.
 "One day, mankind will call a halt to his fightings and his battles. One day the war-drums will cease to beat. One day peace will come. Then you will continue the great task of building that new world which, alas, was sadly interrupted for a while. All is not lost. There is still a future of bright promise for the human race. Man's spirit cannot be quenched. Through all the darkness of an age-long eternity it has evolved towards the light, demanding liberty and freedom. The light of God within you cannot be put out. It can be reduced to a glimmer, but one day it will shine brightly, as all the old discords of the present chaos and the warfare belong to memories of a horrible past.

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 On the day that Russia invaded Finland, Silver Birch said: "The forces of materialism are being let loose. Attempts are still being made to demonstrate that might is right, that the weak must succumb when the stronger attacks them. We who live in the world of spirit, and who see beyond the con-fines of matter, and who do not judge events from the stand-point of physical things, say to you that no system built on force, no system built on tyranny, no system built on brutality, can endure. All attempts to rule with selfish might, with oppression, must fail, because they contain within themselves the seeds of destruction.
 "Empires have risen before, proud in their mighty strength, but they have crumbled in the dust. Might will not triumph. Only when your world learns the lessons of spiritual truth will it ever have enduring peace. Service, not selfishness, must be the predominant note. Only the application of spiritual truth can provide peace and happiness and well-being. We repeat these things at a time when there is much chaos and confusion, when men know not where to turn.
 "The story of man does not end with your world. None cheats the law of the Great Spirit; none can hide from eternal justice, which is carried out with perfect precision. Rest content in that knowledge when it seems that all the forces of darkness and iniquity are triumphant. The Great Spirit can-not be cheated; His laws endure for all time. The price must be paid, in your world or in ours. Do not judge by earthly conditions, but know without doubt that cause and effect are part of the law of the Great Spirit. Those who suffer are
compensated and those who inflict suffering must pay the price, for there is a supreme King, a divine ruler, whose ordinances cannot be thwarted."

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 Then came the "greatest battle in history," which began on the fields of Flanders and ended in a few weeks half-way across France. In the early days, when the German invaders were sweeping everything before them, there came this message from Silver Birch:
 "I know your difficulties. I strive hard not to be pulled down to the level which sees only the material world. I seek to raise up those who dwell on your earth, that they may see life with the eyes of the spirit, that they may build for the future, for the generations which are to come after them. I know that the old order has died and that the new world, which must be built, whose foundations are laid, can only succeed as long as there is love in your hearts towards all who have the spirit of God within them.
 "Do not, I beg of you, lose your vision of eternal realities, even in the darkest days. Cling to all that you know to be true, for it will help to sustain you. Do not forget that still your world is controlled by spiritual laws which, though seemingly slow in their operation, are unfailing. The whole sustenance of your life, the whole reality of the universe, depend upon the spiritual energy which emanates from the source of all life, the infinite spirit which endowed you with the breath of its own divinity. Unless these eternal principles find their place in your policies, racial, national and inter-national, you are on the road to chaos and disruption again."
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 "Do not be afraid," said Silver Birch, when the world was still stunned by the news of the surrender of King Leopold. "You are living in the shadows. Keep your courage, your chins high, your heads erect. There is nothing for you to fear. All will be well, divinely well. You are practically at the lowest ebb, but soon the tide turns and flows in your direc-tion.
 "Do not give way to fear, or doubt, or despair. I have told you that so many times that it is becoming almost a wearisome repetition, but still it is essential to stress that fear is your worst enemy. Fear must not be allowed to gain the upper hand. Our forces are with you, but we can only work through human channels.
 "You are going through the valley of shadows into the light. There is still a rough road, but is not long, so with steadfastness, calm, resolution and determination go forward and know that there is nothing to fear. If I mean anything to you I beg of you to keep resolute and banish fear from your souls so that in brighter, happier days we continue the task laid upon us, the mission that has yet much to achieve."

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 Then came the fall of France. England was left to fight the enemy alone, with the help of the Dominions and the few remaining supporters from the invaded countries.
 How many times have you heard me say that this land of yours has a great destiny to fulfil?” said Silver Birch. “I have said that it would be in the forefront, that it had a great mission in the world. It is about to fulfill its destiny. Keep your faith shining bright amid the storm that you may beat harbour and a refuge for the timorous and the weak. Fear is your worst enemy. Do not allow the darkness of doubt and despair to touch you. Do not abandon your confidence or courage.
 "There is no need to sink into depression. Hold your heads high. There is enough darkness in the world without you allowing it to engulf you. I know how hard it is for you who live in the world of matter, subject to the buffetings of storms and stresses, but your feet are planted on the rock of eternal truth. You have the knowledge which others do not possess. There is every reason for hopefulness, none for despair."


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