THE influence of the spirit world on this earth was explained by Silver Birch in replying to a series of questions put by the sitters. The guide's medium did not see the questions, which were put to the spirit and answered immediately.
 "How far do spirit guides influence political systems?" asked one sitter. “Do they mentally suggest lines of advance along the path of brotherhood, or do they impress leaders with specific plans?”
 "As you know, we are not concerned with the labels that men wear,” said Silver Birch, “or the parties to which they give their allegiance. We are only concerned with service to humanity. We see a world filled with abuse, with iniquity, with vested interests that stand in the way of the unfettered and free distribution of the lavish bounty of the Great Spirit. Therefore we oppose all those who range themselves on the side of selfishness; we wage eternal war on them. We use as our instruments men and women of all parties and of none, of all religions and of none, of all beliefs and of none, wherever we can exert an influence, wherever we can move an indivi-dual to labour for reform, for betterment, for ameliorationーin one word, for service.
 "The Plan is known; what your world should be has been revealed to countless seers and sages, poets, dreamers, idealists, martyrs, all who have sought, because their eyes have seen the vision splendid, to transform a sordid world into a true and real Garden of Eden.”
 "How much has free will to do with it?" asked a sitter.
 "Free will plays a very important part,” said Silver Birch. "But remember, when you use the term, you are referring to something that is a contradiction, because no will is entirely free. It is governed by circumstances over which it has no control and to which the will must subordinate itself. Free will is conditioned by the elements, by the laws of your world, by the natural laws of the universe and by the state of your own evolution. We are always trying to throw our influence on the side of everything which is for the progress and the helpfulness of mankind. We cannot interfere with your free will, but we can influence your choice of a better and more rational judgment in life.
 "One of the saddest things, as I have told you, is that we are compelled very often to stand helpless, powerless, impotent, watching those we love battling with a problem in life, know-ing that at that stage we must not help because on the out-come depends their growth, the unfoldment of their charac-ter, the strengthening of their spirit. You have your free will and you decide, in accordance with your mental outlook, your state of evolution, your stage of growth, how to use it. And we are there to help you when we can.''
 "Do guides work behind the leaders of each country, seek-ing to inspire them when they are responsive?" was the next question.
 "Yes, always," answered the guide, “and it is also true that the natural law of attraction is in operation, because where there is a kinship between the two sets of individuals they automatically desire to help those who are carrying on their work. When there comes to our world a statesman who was in his earth life particularly drawn to some programme of reform, if it is not completed he strives to influence others who show the inclination to continue his reform. And to that extent it is true that for a time nationality operates even in our world, until the spirit outgrows it. It is also true that those who pass with thoughts of aggrandisement, those who pass as drunkards, those who come to our world as a result of drug-taking, seek to obtain satisfaction through others similarly inclined in your world.”
 "And what happens if the leaders are not responsive?" asked a sitter.
 "Nothing,” replied the guide. "But do not forget that there is often an unconscious response, an assimilation of ideas from our world unrecognized by the recipient. Inspira-tion is not always a conscious process. Usually the instrument only knows that he has received from some source outside of himself a poem, a composition, an idea for a painting, a drama, an essay. The source he does not know; he my not even credit the world of spirit with it. That does not matter as long as the idea bears fruit.''
 "Is there a spirit plan for each group of countries, suited to their particular needs?" was the next question.
  "There is a plan for all countries, because there is a plan for all life,” replied the guide. “All those who have worked in your world do not cease their labours owing to an incident that you call death, a step in eternal life. The love of country does not die and, because it is a genuine love, the power of the individual is still used to give service to that land to which he is attached. With greater evolution, all ideas of nationality, of boundaries, fall apart and there comes a recognition of the
common bond of spirit in every child of the Great Spirit. But we use love in all its forms for service. Better that an individual should love at least one land and desire to serve it than that he have no love awakened in his consciousness and give no service at all.”
 "Do guides work with scientists to inspire developments in research for the benefit of man?" Silver Birch was asked.
 "I make bold to claim,” said Silver Birch, “that almost every boon to your world, every invention and discovery has its origin in the realm of spirit. The minds of your world are but the receptacles of the greater minds who use them to confer new benefits to your world of matter. It would not be difficult to show from your records how the great inven-tions of your world were foretold by spirit intelligences, because they knew of the plans that were originated in our world. But you must remember there is a limit to the amount that can be transmitted. Unfortunately there is so much abuse because of the lack of spiritual growth and under-standing. The arts of science are prostituted for destruction instead of being used for reconstruction and as a boon to man."
   "Are some of the diabolical inventions of ours inspired from your side?" asked a sitter.
 "Yes,” said the guide. "Our world is not a world only of good people. It is a natural world and, until you stop sending us the bad ones, we can do nothing about it. That is why we strive to abolish the iniquities of your world; that is why we strive to teach the necessity to have character built in your lives so that souls can come here prepared, ready for the tasks that await them, instead of being ill-equipped, undis-ciplined, unprepared.”


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