A person has been brought up in a certain religion. Should this be destroyed if he is not ready for a new interpretation?
This is difficult. Unfortunately children are what you call brainwashed. They have what are believed to be religious ideasーthough they are not because they are theological onesーimplanted in their minds, which are plastic, when they are too young to question, and therefore are not resisted. And the plastic mind gradually becomes hardened in adult life. As time goes on they are not ideas that they hold, but ideas that hold them.
So this is difficult. What you must do is not attempt to destroy what is dear to others, but to offer alternatives in the way of knowledge. There are plenty of books to be read on the origins of religion. There are many alternatives to the religion of the Christian, the Jew, the Buddhist or the Muslim.
Your world is full of many religions, but there is only one God or Great Spirit. It must be obvious even to those of lowly intelligenc that the Great Spirit is neither a Christian nor a Jewーnor even a Spiritualist. The essence of being spiritual is to have compassion not only for humans but for animals. Without compassion, you lack spirituality.
One of the reasons why mediums and healers have to go through the mill is to learn compassion for others going through the mill. That is why the path of the instrument is always a hard and not an easy one.
And for administrators as well?
But it is worse for the instrument. So far as the adminis-trators are concerned, when you are waging a war against materialism the privates have to be tried in the heat of the battle before they become generals. Be compassionate, not to destroy, but to point to other ways. It is not the hammer you should use on them, but any other tool that delicately suggests there are other ways.
If the soul is ready the attempt will be made. If the soul is not ready, unfortunately that individual is doomed to darkness on earth spiritually, mentally, and for a long time in our world as well.
Commenting on attempts to have unity in orthodox religions, Silver Birch said:
So they add chaos to confusion. But do they matter? They may think they are very important people, but where the gift and the light of the spirit cannot be expressed then their buildings are what the Nazarene called whited sepulchres. I do not think we need bother very much with those who cannot find common meeting ground because their rituals and doctrines divide them. The spirit unites always. It is man's outlook that divides. The spirit will work its unifying will whenever it is given a chance.
It is a matter of history that many years ago the power of the spirit operated to give birth to these religions which profess to follow in the same common stream, but they are tributaries that were diverted centuries ago. Let them go their way.
We will place our complete trust and reliance on the divine power that it will inspire people of good will to serve by utilising the gifts with which they are endowed, and by teaching mankind regeneration, individuals will save
themselves and the world in which they live.
The power of the spirit does not flow through established churches. It flows through the multitudes of the children of
the Great Spirit who are expressing the gifts which a supreme Creator, with divine wisdom, has implanted in them. It is the exercise of these gifts that will bring liberation and teach your world how to live.
Next came, "Would you define what you mean by religious tolerance?" This arose from a questioner who said: "I believe Silver Birch's teachings to be stamped with the same truth as is contained in other religions. But cannot his teachings be called dogmatic and intolerant, for example, that the universe is controlled by natural law, that this law is perfect and immutable?"
I have never made any claim to infallibility. I am a human being like you, expressing truths which should appeal to your reason. There is no implicit threat that if you reject them you will be subject to any punishment. All we say is this is truth as we have found it. We offer it to you for your examination; accept or reject as you will. We have no means of compelling you to accept what comes from our world.
If through any instrument you are told that which makes your reason revolt, then pay no heed to it. The Great Spirit has given you the gifts of reason and common sense to be utilised. The essence of dogma is to accept without reason. What we say is that you should test all spirit teaching by your intelligence. If it measures up to that strict examination accept it; if not reject it. How else shall we win, with offers of reward or punishment? No, we must win by love, by common sense and by finding that we can meet on common ground.
At another circle came the following:
Do not attempt to overlook the tremendous significance of the work in which we are all engaged. We have to undo the centuries of superstition that have placed the minds of millions in thraldom and subjection.
This has made it almost impossible for them to under-stand simply the great truths which would free them, so that they could live, as they should, in an exhilaration of body, mind and spirit, and enjoy the richness that should be theirs once they understand who they are, what they are and where they are going. So you have difficulties, but they are good for you.
We have had to encounter vast difficulties to reach your world. We have overcome them in many places. Now the light of the spirit shines throughout your world. There is not even one country from which it is absent. It may be that those who are the instruments of the spirit have to work in secret and behind closed doors, but the work will go on because none can gainsay it.
So welcome your difficulties as a challenge to reveal the true mettle of the spirit, your divine armoury. You have potentially the greatest power in the world within you. There is no handicap, no obstacle, no difficulty so strong that you do not possess the inner power and can also call on a higher power to overcome them.
Theology was discussed by the guide who said it was unfortu-nate that there are millions of people who are ignorant of spiritual reality.
They think the totality of life is that which can be cog-nised by physical means. As a result they believe life has no underlying or deep purpose. Unfortunately, too, people who should be spiritual leaders in churches are just as ignorant as their congregations because they too are blind, deaf and dumb to spiritual reality. The power of the spirit does not operate in their churches because their religions are now theological doctrines which take priority as far as they are concerned.
Theology emanates from the mind of humans. The power of the spirit, because it emanates from the Great Spirit, is divine. Thus revelation always must take priority over theology.
In many lands education is compulsory. Children go to school to learn lessons in a curriculum designed for one specific purpose, so that they are educated to be ready for the life they have to live when they leave school. If they are wise, sensible children and learn their lessons, then when they are adults they can face with some understanding problems that are inevitable. If they have failed to learn their lessons they are not equipped for the life that faces them after school.
Your earthly life is a kindergarten of the spirit. Here you learn lessons to equip the spirit so that you come to our world prepared. As it is, we have far too many arriving here who are not ready and they have to be taught. It is much more difficult to teach them in our world as it is for you to teach adults who have not been to school.
When you know there is an after-life where you have to account for every action, it must or should change your outlook. It says in the Bible that the earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof. Once you have spiritual knowledge you can give it away, but you are not the poorer for doing it. If you have earthly riches and give them away, you are the poorer as a result. That is the difference.
But however much you accumulate earthly wealth you can never own it permanently. You can be only the custo-dians or trustees during your earthly lives. These riches can be lost; they can be stolen; they can sometimes diminish in value; they can tarnish; they can lose their beauty. Anyway you cannot have them forever. But spiritual richness once acquired can never be lost.
Because truth and faith are involved to some extent in religion, it is germane to include these comments:
Truth cannot be accepted until the soul is spiritually ready. This applies to all its aspects. Truth itself, being infinite, can never be acquired in its entirety except in eternity, which again is an infinite process. You cannot give truth to those who are not ready to receive it. There will always be confusion, arguments, debates and discussions, but this is to the good. Out of the welter will come truth to those who are ready. And the readiness is determined by their spiritual evolution, by the stage of their development. This each must accomplish for himself.
If I say to you it is a truth for some, and you answer "I cannot believe it," I would not in any way be upset. I would love you just the same because I recognise that you are on earth to unfold, to use your reason, your common sense and to reject everything which does not make sense to you. If we cannot win you by reason, which we have enthroned as the final arbiter, then we will fail.
I seem to have come to that point in my life when I want to teach these things, but I find it difficult. When I speak in churches, or take people in groups, I realise this is the truth, the only way. Am I right in saying this is what I believe and leave it at that?
Yes, let them find their way.
So, if they reject it, it does not matter.
Truth will not be harmed because some reject it. They are not ready. You just wait and kindle the spark. That is all you can do. If they refuse to respond, you must be sorry for them.
Why is it that in spiritual organisations we have so many business and material things to consider and do? We choose business people to help us out of our problems. How are we going to get the spiritual teachers? We realise there is a spiritual famine.
Do you know your Bible? Let me quote some familiar words to you. "Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you." What do you think that means?
I would say you have to look for the spiritual side first. Perhaps we have been going the wrong way.
Spirit is king, matter is servant. Spirit comes before matter. When the spirit is right matter will be right. It is all a question of priorities. No worthwhile cause will suffer for want of money. But if the priority is to ensure the money is there first so that the spirit can function, it will not work that way.
We come back to you by manipulating matter. We have to learn how to manipulate this inert, slow, sluggish force when our vibrations are quick and delicate. Some here in this circle will tell you that we can succeed in manipulating matter when it is necessary. May I mention another verse in your Bible? "The earth is the Lord's and the fulness thereof." Nothing material belongs to you. You cannot really own it. Even when you acquire it it does not belong to you. You are stewards during your earthly life. It belongs to the Great Spirit.
If the prime desire is to serve, what is needed will be forthcoming. There is none who serves the world of spirit who has not found that we render service for service. The natural law ensures that, and nobody is overlooked, nobody is forgotten. Trust the divine power and provide it with a channel to work its divine will.
You make it so simple.
It is simple. There are too many people in your world who are so clever at confusing the issues that their judgement becomes clouded. Then you require the simplicity of a child going straight to the heart of the problem. "Except ye be-come as little children." We have never failed those who serve. What is necessary will be forthcoming. We have been put to that test many times. We have access to the spiritual and material wealth that are necessary. You play your part; we will play ours.
I have had great help from you and your words of wisdom.
You are clairvoyant. I wish that your inner sight could be extended so that you could see some of the liberated beings who compose the hierarchy, the masters, those endowed with the task of ensuring that the divine plan fulfils itself. Then, never for a moment would you falter or allow any wavering fear to enter the threshold of your being. I have seen them. I know what has to be achieved.
I tell you with all the strength that I can command that all of you who strive to serve have access to the greatest power in the universe, one that is life itself. It is a responsi-bility. Use it diligently, wisely. Help all who come within your orbit. If there are some with whom you cannot share this knowledge, let them go their way. Continue with the task as you see it according to your light and conscience. Motive determines all matters. If the motive is right, no matter what happens you will emerge triumphant.
There are two important principles in life. One is know-ledge, the other is faith. Faith without knowledge can be a very weak and even broken reed, but knowledge with faith, that is an admirable combination. You have knowledge which has brought comprehension of life and its meaning. You know it is only an infinitesimal part of knowledge that can be yours. Thus the element of faith must arise. But this is the faith founded on knowledge. It is not the credulous faith, not the unreasoning faith, not the faith that insults intelligence, but the faith founded on knowledge, that because of knowledge it is right to have faith. That is important for you.
Others here have heard me say this before and they must be weary of the repetition, but it is still true. A platitude is
still true even if it has been said many times. The repetition does not diminish from its truth. What I want to say is that you are finite beings living in a finite world. The amount of infinite knowledge you can receive is limited by the stage of development you have spiritually and mentally reached. What you have received you have tested and found is true. On that you must build and have faith on what is still to be revealed to you. This is not unreasoning faith, but founded on demonstrable fact.
It is one of the strange paradoxes that it takes a very long time for people in your world to wake up from their materialistic sleep. Yet when they do they are in a hurry. They want things to happen speedily. It cannot be done that way. Spiritual progress must be slow. It cannot be instantaneously done because there are no short cuts to it. Every step forward has to be consolidated before any advance can be made. Each successive step reveals another still to be trod.
Rest content on the foundation of what has been revealed to you. When questions arise, as they must, and when doubts come, as they do, and when difficulties raise their troublesome heads, be patient. Know that the power of the spirit is stronger than matter. There is no obstacle, difficulty or handicap that the power of the spirit cannot overcome if you provide the right conditions. Those armed with this knowledge can endure anything that the world offers, for it is powerless to harm one hair of their spiritual heads.
The churches owe their existence to the fact that the power of the spirit manifested in various ways. By its demonstration seeming miracles were performed. But they do not happen today. What is called the Holy Land is a spiritual desert, arid, with hardly one oasis to be found. Yet the laws of the Great Spirit have not changed. It was made holy as this ground is hallowed because the power of the spirit manifested there in sublime form. It is manifesting through you and bringing its tremendous beneficence.
I do not seek to condemn those who do their best in their religions, but they have nothing to offer a world in travail. Their creeds are barren; their dogmas are sterile; they are antiquated in their outlook, and the world is passing them
We are the heralds of the new world which must prevail so that there can be driven from your earth the greed, avarice and selfishness that form the malignant cancers in far too many places. We enthrone service as the greatest of all religions, mutual helpfulness, tolerance, compassion to all, human or animal, so that you can truly have, if you so desire, a kingdom of heaven on earth.
That is the task on which we are all engaged. When you get downcast, tired or depressed, because the woes of your world assail and enfold you, and you allow gloom to surround you, hold your heads high and remember that all of us are part of a great army of the spirit chosen to fight the greatest of all battles, waging war on the materialism that could destroy your world were it given full reign.
Do not allow despair to stay too long with you. We will not fail you. No cause for good will ever fail if we have the instruments through whom we can work. When it is necessary we will provide you with all the sustenance that you require. Even in your inflationary days we will see
that you will not suffer. It is a great work on which we are all engaged. We should know by now, as I have said many times, to serve is noble. Nobility comes through service.
The people of your world have to learn to save them-selves through self-redemption. They have to learn it is only by applying the spiritual principles of co-operation and service that they will enjoy all the benefits which are essential in your world. And I do not mean only material benefits but mental and spiritual ones.
There has to be freedom of mind, body and spirit in your world. We are opposed to slavery whatever form it takes. Man must deliver himself from his own bondage. He must recognise that the spirit which animates him is the same one that gives life to every other being and creature in your world. The power of the spirit girdles them all, brings them all together and makes them one in the sight of the Great Spirit responsible for their being.
That is what is behind all the work we do, to bring aware-ness, spiritual awareness, of the realities of life. It will not be easily attained because these lessons are learned only through difficulty, crisis, sickness, bereavement and the afflictions which make people despair, but are in reality the means by which they can find themselves.
So you have work to do, but plenty of time for it. Behind us all is the power of the Great Spirit, the mightiest in the universe. You will have setbacks. The tide does not only flow, it also ebbs. But the power of the spirit will continue. It will never cease.
Where there is life there is spirit. Stagnation and inertia are our enemies because the power of the spirit cannot flow where they exist. You give us the channels and the power will flow through them. All we want is dedicated co-operators, not puppets to be manipulated, but willing demonstrators who will work with us as we will work with them.
Service is the coin of the spirit. Religion is service, or should be, otherwise it has no meaning.
A young visitor expressed her viewpoint in these words: "As you say we all derive from the one life force, which is God, surely if we take love and service as our aim, everything else falls into place? Do you think it is necessary for the average person to have all these deep philosophical teachings? If you get across to people this one fact and teach them to create their lives on God, to know more of the Great Spirit, a large number could understand this rather than appreciate Spiritualism or Chris-tianity." Silver Birch told her:
What you say is very good in essence and nobody could disagree with it. But people are at differing stages of growth, unfoldment, development and evolution. What would be acceptable to one would be rejected by another. If they were at a uniform level then you could give them a uniform message.
To suggest to some that the Great Spirit is the epitome love and wisdom will be readily accepted. Others will dismiss it because they do not believe in the existence of God. So you must adapt your message to the individual according to the degree of his reception. To some the very simplicity of what you say would appeal; to others it would not do so. They would challenge you by pointing to the injustices of life, to the many contradictions, to the apparent suffering of the innocent, to the way in which the selfish seem to escape punishment. And then you get involved in laborious argument.
For that type of mind it is essential to have an incontro-vertible demonstration of spiritual reality, such as the healing of one said to have been incurable. Then that person is compelled to recognise the existence of a non-material force which cannot be explained in ordinary terms, but gives evidence in itself of being directed by benevolence or love.
There is another important matter. Knowledge, wisdom and truth are infinite and so there is no limit to the amount that you can acquire. On the surface the theme of universal love may seem simple. Behind the surface it is very com-plex. It is only as more understanding comes that you are able to appreciate the need for the complexity.
The visitor commented: "In other words, it is necessary to have all these various sects and religions throughout the world. Each gives something to people when they reach a certain standard. They perhaps find satisfaction in a religion that someone else would not." Silver Birch replied: