Chapter Nine


( シルバーバーチの霊訓 八
六章 あすの指導者たち    
───若者にどう説くか─── )
"WHAT would you teach the teenage group we are going to lead at our church?" This question was put to Silver Birch by a young woman paying her first visit. She explained that though it was a Nonconformist church, she and her husband did not propose to give "set Christian Bible teaching." The guide replied:
 I think the best approach is always to appeal to reason and logic because today's youth is in revolt. It feels the old have failed them by presenting a world of darkness. I would appeal to the reasonableness of the philosophy that is behind all that comes from our world. You need not use words like Spiritualism, occultism, the esoteric, or mystical. These are only labels.
 Tell them about the difference between brain and mind, between matter and spirit, and show that already in their own make-up there is a superior, animating, directing principle at work which cannot be chemically analysed or dissected in any laboratory. All human beings are marvels of construction, with the most highly organised, intricate and complex machinery your world has ever known. Its many constituents work together in harmony to enable you to live, move, and breathe. But in addition to the physical apparatus there is the inner, unseen, superior, thinking, controlling individuality.
 Behind the surface there is the mind at work which can appraise, consider, weigh, reflect, analyse, judge and decide. This is not something physical. You express affection, friendship, love and sympathy. Intrinsically they are non-physical. You cannot measure love. You cannot weigh, see, taste, smell or hear it. Yet it is there, one of the greatest forces in world which actuates people to deeds of heroism and self-sacrifice.
 Ask your group members, who are unaware of the spiritual truths with which you are familiar, what is this mind? As it is obviously superior to the physical body, is there any reason to suppose that when the machinery ceases to function the controlling mind has also ceased to function? I think along those logical lines you could make a good start.
 If you can interest any young people, seize the oppor-tunity. Never mind the scoffing or ridicule. Among them there be one or two where your words will fall on receptive soil. If this is not immediate, then in a little while the seeds you have dropped will begin to grow. And you will have helped another soul to find itself. We are always concerned, whenever we can, in bringing self-awareness and self-realisation to people so that they can begin to live aright. This is the whole purpose behind our mission. We have coming into our world far too many wrecks, ill equipped, unready for the life which they have to resume when they come here.
 At another circle this question came, "How would you suggest we can get the young ones interested in spirit truths?" The guide advised:
 I think the interest must be aroused not on the basis of trying to prove they can achieve communication with people in our world because, generally speaking, youth has not endured the experiences, the soul-searching, heart-breaking experiences of physically losing ones they love. And so it is not with evidence for personal survival that you can attract the young.
 I would say the appeal must be to reason and to intel-ligence, to offer them spiritual truths which will appeal to their logical instincts, not to ask them to have faith, hope or belief, but to question everything we say on the ground of its being reasonable, satisfactory and showing that it has the hall-mark of truth.
 I would tell them that they are part of a vast universal plan controlled by immutable natural laws. These ensure that all facets of being and activity of the phenomena of life, nature and human beings are controlled by these divine ordinances which have made provision for all that can possibly happen so that there is complete control by an overruling power.
 I would say here are examples of law-governed occur-rences. Here are cause and effect in operation showing that one follows the other in an unbreakable sequential order. There are no miracles, no need to abrogate natural laws because they work and are implicit in revealing that all is known beforehand.
 Then I would say that, with the evidence others have received, all this demonstrates that while they are on earth they are spirits with bodies, that matter is only a reflection of spirit which infuses life into the body. The body of itself has no dynamic, no vitality. All that endbles it to move, to breathe, to act in any way is due to the energising spirit that makes it possible. That spirit is superior to matter; that spirit is king and matter is commoner; that spirit is master and matter is the serf; that spirit domi-nates, regulates, supervises and controls all.
 Then I would add that an awareness of this vital fact has profound implications. These, when understood, must revolutionise all human thought and enable every individual to have the right perspective, the correct priorities, and to ensure that as much attention is given to unfolding and developing the spiritual nature, which is permanent, as is devoted to maintaining the physical body which is only temporary. And I think intelligent youth would respond to that kind of approach.
 A circle member asked this supplementary question, "Would you recommend they join a development circle?"
 Not at first. I would recommend they join groups for meditation which would appeal to them more, so as to give the inner faculties a chance of expression.
 Would not that rather make them join so-called mystics?
 If they do then they will have taken the wrong turning. That is the choice their free will must make. You must allow them to unfold in their own way. When they are ready they will receive. When the pupil is ready the master comes.
 Do you feel that present-day youth is being spoken to by the spirit world? Is this causing the impetuous spirit within the present generation to seek something, even if it does not know what it is?
 Partly the troubles are due to the upheaval caused by the last war in your world. These upheavals make all thinking upside down. They lead to people changing their allegiance, turning their backs on the past and search-ing for ideas which they think are more in consonance with the circumstances that prevail.
 Youth, by its very nature, must be demanding and impetuous. So, while turning its back on the conventional and orthodox, it seeks quicker means of achieving under-standing of what is hidden by the veil of matter. The taking of drugs, attempts at speeded-up forms of meditation and even the violence, these are part of the breaking up of the old when youth seeks the new.
 The young must not be encouraged, of course, to believe that there are any hasty methods of achieving spiritual development. This is not possible. The prizes of the spirit cannot be earned in a flash. They have to be laboured for. Spiritual mastery involves a great disciple-ship. The student must realise that to attain the highest means a long dedication.
 Youth should be encouraged to seek what lies beyond matter. Once youth appreciates that the veil, the material world, is the shell, and that the reality is behind and above the shell, then this will give a new impetus to life. The young can then make their contribution to the world in which they live.
 Might I ask you about this rebellion of the young againsorganised society? Do you agree that possibly they are much
more attuned to the other world and are responding to guidance from it without knowing it?
 I don't mind the revolt. It is the violence to which I object.
 The young are seeking a God based on love. Their ideas are based on love. They are not church-conscious but God-conscious. Is that right?
 It is youth's function to revolt. If youth accedes it would cease to be youth. Youth must quest, search, rebel. You have had cataclysmic upheavals in your world which have changed convention and caused the loss of respect for established teaching.
 Do not blame the young because they seek to find what they think are better ways of governing the world in which they live. But what is essential is an understanding that the whole of life is based upon spiritual and not material
realities. Matter has no existence of itself. Matter derives its existence from spirit. Matter is the shell, the husk, spirit is the kernel.
 Your bodies die because they are material and spirit has withdrawn. The great lesson for all in your world, young and old, is the realisation that spirit is the foundation of all life. It is only in the application of spiritual principles, in the expression of divine qualities, compassion, mercy, co-operation, tolerance, service, that you will achieve a greater measure of peace and fulfilment in your world.
 It is the materialistic gospel, the enthronement of greed and selfishness that is responsible for the disasters that befall you. You have to replace greed with altruism. You have to replace selfishness with sacrifice. You have to ensure that those who are gifted should help the ones who are not gifted. This is the way in which ultimately there will come into your world a greater measure of peace, harmony and compassion than exists at present.
 No, I am not pessimistic. I am optimistic. To use one of your sayings, the ball is at your feet.
 You seem to be criticising what the young make of the society they are in, that they are interested only in the material, in more money and more status.
 I am not blaming the young; they have inherited the world. They are not responsible for its present condition. But they have also inherited much for which they have so far contributed nothing. In days gone by pioneers and reformers of many kinds laboured to serve their fellows
and left a rich legacy behind them.
 The picture is not one of unrelieved gloom. Of course, man is spoiling much of the world in which he lives, but that is only part of the story, There are others, many others, who are striving to make their contribution, to bring enlightenment and wisdom and ensure that future genera-tions will enjoy more of the richness of being because of the work that they do.
 When I see my children, especially those growing up, needing guidance which they won't necessarily accept from me, it would be a comfort to know I could do something to expedite this.
 It is very difficult. There are no short cuts in these matters. You can withdraw, meditate, become more receptive, which helps to ensure a closer contact with all those from our world who are round and about your family circle.
 Is it really a question of creating the environment?
 They will not listen to you easily because, being young, they think they know better. This is part of the normal process of your earthly world. When you were young you thought you knew better than your parents. You must accept the fact that it is part of the natural growth of children to question authority. You must set them the example and give the reason for it. This is the only way. They have to accept that certain paths should be followed because it is in their spiritual interests to do so. But this is not easy for them.
 It is difficult to make people believe in the things we know to be true. Could not the spirit world somehow make a concerted effort at this time, when it is needed so badly, to prove to people who won't accept these truths? Or is it not the right time?
 No, it is not the right way. We are not interested in any attempts at mass-conversion, usually conducted in an emotional atmosphere which evaporates the next morning. Our purpose is different. We want people, one by one, to become convinced through their own inquiry and to be satisfied that all we present neither makes their reason revolt nor insults their intelligence.
 We have to win them by demonstration and by logic. This we cannot do until they are spiritually ready. They cannot be spiritually ready until their soul has been touched by some crisis, tragedy or illness, which makes them realise that nowhere in the world of matter can they find answers to their questions. There is a saying in your world to the effect that man's extremity is God's opportunity.
 This is the only way we can work. We believe that the individual, who is convinced beyond any shadow of doubt
of the truth of spiritual realities, becomes aware of himself and his divine potential. He knows that life is continuous in an unbroken sequence after death. This soul who is aware will then begin to fulfil himself. He will order, or should do, his life in the light of the knowledge, so that he expresses more and more of the divinity within and grows in spiritual and mental stature and grace.
 It is your duty, having knowledge of these matters, to offer it to those who come your way. But it is no use banging your head against stone walls by trying to convert the unreceptive. You should always be available to help thos who come to you. If you help them, express gratitude for being able to do so. If you cannot help them, shed a tear, for they have had their chance and they failed to take it.
 There is no other way because that which is easily gained will be just as easily lost. The path to spiritual attainment is long, slow and difficult. The prizes of the spirit can be earned only by arduous labour and sacrifice.
 There is no short cut, no instant method of gaining spiritual superiority. The soul has to earn it by a life of exertion. Otherwise the law would be cheated if the selfish man could attain overnight all the qualities that have taken long years for the saint to achieve. This indeed would be a mockery of divine justice. Each soul must accomplish its own growth, development and evolution. This ensures that once conviction comes, the soul can no longer be unaware of the truths of the spirit.
 There is no need to be downhearted. We are making progress, we are winning, not losing. It is the forces of confusion that are in disarray. The truths of the spirit march forward all the time. It was sorrow which brought you this knowledge. You were receptive because you had almost reached the very depths of despair. But you would not turn back now.
 And that is how it will be for others. We rejoice at the gradual but inevitable spread of these great truths as more and more become receptive, awaken from their long slum-ber and begin to live as the Great Spirit intended they should.
 What you consider important are sometimes regarded by us as trivial. And what you regard as trivial to us can be important. It depends on where the standpoint happens to be. In terms of fractions, 70 over infinity is not very large.
 Just as it was a blinding light on the road to Damascus that changed Saul, so it can be that one incident is the catalyst for providing the soul with the means to begin to come into its own. It depends on the factor. I cannot lay down any hard and fast rules. The primary purpose of all earthly incarnation is for the soul to come into its own. If the soul is not touched, then earthly existence is a waste of time. The soul has not had the opportunities for the education which earthly life provides.
 What happens to the souls who are not touched here on earth?
 This is very difficult. It is akin to what happens to adults who face life without having had any education of any kind. They start with complete unawareness. They are the misfits in your world and in ours. It means they have not learned the lessons that should equip them for our life. They are unready, unprepared.
 How can you help them?
 Some of them have to incarnate again into your world because we cannot do very much for a soul who has no awareness. It can take hundreds of years as you measure time to bring that awareness to them.
 Are they helped by their spirit friends?
 As much as they can be helped. But until awareness comes there is darkness. Without awareness light cannot penetrate. This is a primary problem that confronts us.
 Is it their fault?
 This is not a good word. Let me answer it in my way. To every individual in your world there comes an oppor-tunity to attain self-realisation. The Great Spirit is perfect. Nothing is forgotten, neglected, overlooked and nobody can be outside the orbit of the natural laws. These make provision for every soul to have the chance of self-awareness.
 When you call it "fault," I have to say the chance has not been taken. You have heard me say many times that when people come to you and you cannot heal them or help them, feel sorry for them. It is a chance they have lost. It is not your fault. You can only do the best for them. If they cannot accept it, say a silent prayer for them.
 If you try to help them and they do not respond, you must let them go. They must not be chains around your neck. Every soul during its earthly incarnation gets the opportunity of learning truth and finding itself. If it rejects it, do not blame yourself. Your responsibility is to dis-charge your duty to the best of your ability. When you have done that, forget it and try to help the next one who comes. This is not being ruthless. The power of the spirit must not be frittered away for those who cannot measure up to it.
 When Silver Birch greeted a young girl from New Zealand whose parents work for Spiritualism, he said:
 I always tell newcomers that I have to try to live up to the picture painted of me because I am not all-wise as might be inferred from the way in which my teachings are presented to your world. I have been able to learn something about eternal truths and am willing to share my knowledge with those ready to receive them.
 This is what matters, they must be ready to receive. Truth cannot enter closed minds. Truth can find a lodge-ment only when there is an ability to receive it. Truth, like the Great Spirit, is infinite. The amount you can receive depends on your capacity. If you increase your capacity you can receive more truth. You can never reach the stage that you know everything about the universe in which you dwell.
 That is a long preamble. But I always tell young people like yourself how fortunate you are to be the recipient of this knowledge at an early age because it can be so helpful in your unfolding life. How sad it is to see so many youth still being taught falsehood, so that their minds are cluttered with ridiculous notions in the name of religion. They are of no value to them and furthermore act as a hindrance rather than a help to their evolution.
 Doctrines made by man, and not the Great Spirit, are implanted in tender minds which cannot resist them. In too many cases in adult life they repeat in parrot fashion these teachings which become part of the subconscious fabric of their being. That makes it all the more difficult for them to receive the truths of the spirit which would be of inestimable benefit to them.
 I think it is fair to say that one of the great curses in your world has been the constant dissemination of theolo-gical, meaningless doctrine which has caused division instead of unity, which leads to bloodshed, violence, conflict, wars and separation, instead of being the founda-
tion on which all can unite in recognition of their common spiritual nature.
 So I say how fortunate you are to be aware of these spiritual truths. You can face the great adventure of life knowing its purpose and realising that you are part of a tremendous plan conceived by infinite love and wisdom. This is your most priceless possession. This is the spiritual armoury with which you are equipped.
 You can face the battles of earthly life and know that whatever experiences befall you, you are in possession of a power to enable you to conquer difficulty, to override obstacles and grow in spiritual grace and beauty and strength. Then you can make your contribution.
 The Great Spirit is unity in diversity. Every human being is different, yet fundamentally they are the same because the same spirit animates them. But they are diverse and no two are completely alike. Each is endowed with a gift which, when developed, can enable its owner to help some people less fortunate.
 You have gifts, as everyone has, which it is your respon-sibility to develop. I am not necessarily referring to gifts of the spirit. I am referring to other talents that all human beings possess and which give them the means of enriching the world. How radiant it would be if all its occupants were able to exercise the gifts and talents with which they have been endowed.
 This is the great promise that the morrow holds for all of you as you help to dissipate the gloom, fog and darkness, the superstition and error, the ignorance and falsity which lie like a cloud of miasma all over the earth. But here and there are the little lighthouses of the spirit reflecting beams of truth, showing the way so that some pilgrims can emerge out of the darkness and learn to find themselves and become aware of who and what they truly are. You can go forward fearlessly. With this know-ledge as your base you can look forward to an exhilarating earthly life.
 A different aspect of youth and its problems came at another session:
 These young people are not easy. If I may say so, when you were young, none of you was easy either. But as you get older you tend to forget your youthful rebelliousness. You were quite sure that all the older ones had made a mess of the physical world. It was now the duty of youth to put it straight.
 As they get older and understanding comes, they realise there is much for which they should be grateful because of what was done for them without any effort on their part. All this is part of the polarity and balance of life in which youth and age play their respective parts because they are complementary to one another just as men and women are.
 The whole scheme of life is perfectly balanced, so that when all works in proper concord a true harmony is achieved. So it becomes appropriate that those who are older in physical years should exercise a good humour, a toleration for the young who have still to learn many lessons that the older ones have already assimilated.
 Discussing the young with a visiting healer Silver Birch said:
 The leaven is at work; it is fermenting and they do not know where to turn. They are searching, questing, seeking, dissatisfied with the sterility of conventional teaching. They are drawn, sometimes unconsciously, to the spiritual, mystical, the unseen and intangible. Their souls cry out for the satisfaction that only the things of the spirit can give. But they are confused, they are in a hurry because they are young, and they want instant develop-ment, instant satisfaction.
 "Thus heroin and LSD," said the guest.
 One must be tolerant. One must understand and try to help them. If you can effect a lodgement of spirit power within them to ignite that spark, then you have performed a tremendous task. It can make the greatest difference to the whole of their earthly lives.
 The healer said he had found that many young people on LSD were becoming possessed by harmful entities.
 Unfortunately some of these drugs open a psychic centre that can reach out no higher than the lowest astral field surrounding your earth. The beings who can invade  them are like themselves, often drug addicts, or alcoholics seeking satisfaction because their unevolved state chains them. They are not free. The healing power is the catalyst. This can help to clarify the whole complex situation created by physical, spiritual and astral conditions getting mixed up. Once you get harmony between spirit, mind and body then health begins to be achieved.
 Another time came the vital comments:
 The young are the ones who will be the directors of the morrow. If their thinking can be guided aright, so that they get the true perspective on their lives, then they can play their important part in helping peace to be more firmly established.


  シルバーバーチの霊訓  八  
   六章 あすの指導者たち      












───われわれが真実に間違いないと確信していることでも、それを他人に信じさせることは難しいことです。今こそ必要とされている霊的真理を広く(世界に)一般に証明してみせるために何とかして霊界から(イエス再臨?のような) 大掛かりな働きかけをしていただけないものでしょうか。それとも、今はその時期ではないということでしょうか。───












 「新参の方にいつも申し上げていることですが、私の教えを (新聞・雑誌で) 世間へ公表してくださる際に、私のことをあたかも全知全能であるかに紹介してくださっているために、私もそれに恥じないように努力しなければなりません。しかし実際は私は永遠の真理のいくばくかを学んだだけでして、それを、受け入れる用意のできた地上の人たちにお分けしようとしているところです。











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