Chapter Ten
( シルバーバーチの霊訓 八
七章 愛すべき仲間たち───動物 )
YEARLY millions of animals throughout the world undergo horrific experimentation by their "civilised" caretakersーman. If there is a worse spiritual crime than inflicting deliberate harm on a fellow man or woman, it is cold bloodedly abusing humanity's fellow creatures of the animal kingdom. Does it ever occur to the hordes of white-coated, blood-stained experimenters, scientists and researchers that man also is simply an animal? Because of the wider vision and responsibility that Spiritualism bring, many Spiritualists are prominent animal welfare crusaders.
If, as you say, the law is perfect, why is it that a large propor-tion of the animal world, fulfilling natural law, can survive only by causing appalling suffering to other living creatures?
Yes, the law is perfect, even when you fail to understand its manifestations. A long experience has shown me that there are no imperfections in natural law. It is conceived by infinite wisdom and sustained by infinite love. As you have heard me say many times, it has made provision for every facet of creation and ensures that nothing or nobody is ever forgotten, uncared for or overlooked. from
Evolution, part of this law, is a constant progress from lower to higher forms of being and activity. In its lower animal forms it outworks itself by what is seemingly cruel as these animals prey on one another. Through evolution these predatory instincts gradually vanish. If you look at prehistoric times the greatest of all predators have disappeared from the physical scene, while those animals not involved in preying on one another have survived.
There is another aspect to be considered. In some respects the animal creation reflects its human counterpart. As man evolves and manifests less cruelty to his fellows, so this will be reflected in the animal kingdom.
A circle member commented, "I have noticed there are animals who are ahead of their own natural species and exhibit more human qualities."
This must be true because in all the outworking of evolution there are those who are the pioneers showing what will be achieved in the future, just as there are the laggards who have not even caught up with what should be the normal expression of evolution for their species.
In human activity you get the genius, the reformer and the saint who exhibits qualities of his spiritual nature and by his gifts he can show what your world of tomorrow could be like. Similarly there are animals who have gone some stages ahead of the others and exhibit qualities that can often compare with the finest examples of heroism and service that humans can offer.
If the reason for life is to learn love and compassion, why does nature set such a bad example by allowing predators?
Nature does not set anyone a bad example. Nature is an expression of the Great Spirit. The Great Spirit is perfect. The laws of the Great Spirit are perfect. Nature left to its own devices will always achieve the right balance and harmony. If man lived in harmony with nature then your world would be a paradise, a kingdom of heaven.
There are predators, but that is part of the way nature ensures the survival of the fittest. Yet that is only one aspect of natural law at work. The essence of nature is co-operation. Nature is symbiotic. You, for example, are a gardener. If you prepare your garden and co-operate with nature, the results are beautiful. Man is the predator in your world, the greatest destructive creature that has been known for many millions of years.
Another question came from a woman who, saying she had a great respect for all life, asked, "Is it wrong to spray with insecticides to try to prevent malaria, sleeping sickness, etc?"
Of course you must have respect for all life, but this is a question of motive and of degree. If you have conditions where, due to certain circumstances, there are the kind of insects that cause disease, then your motive in using sprays is a good one. Respect for life must be tempered with the necessity of ensuring there are conditions in which it can flourish. Similarly if you have houses infested with bugs, it is easier to spray and get rid of them if your motive is to improve the health of those who dwell there.
If an animal on earth develops human qualities, such as noble sentiments and intelligence, will it remain an animal without any chance of further evolution, or may it in time step into the human realm?
Evolution is part of a natural law. It has a mainstream and many tributaries, but all are part of the same law. The spirit within you is in essence the same spirit within the animal. There is no difference in essence but only in degree. Potentially, being infinite, the spirit can achieve the tremendous expression latent in man or animal, but spiritually it is all part of one path. Who is to determine where spirit has branched off to be expressed through an animal, as distinct from branching off to be expressed through man? I do not see the problem there at all.
Does an animal evolve in a similar way to man?
It follows its own path of evolution. It is part of the same pattern which is behind all evolution; it is a development. If I say to you, "Do all children evolve in the same way as their parents?" the answer is "Yes" and "No." They have a predestined pattern which they must follow, but within that there is a certain amount of free will regulated by the awareness reached at stages of unfoldment. Every-thing which has spirit is capable of infinite development.
After listening to comments made by circle members the guide said:
Animals follow their line of evolution according to the part they play in the whole process. The law of cause and effect is immutable. Whatever is must be the result of what was. The animal is an essential part of the evolutionary plan, just like the tree, the ocean and everything in nature.
The link is the unifying spirit. All life is one. You have a relationship not only with animals but with all wherever there is life. They will follow their preordained paths. The extent to which they develop is governed by that part of the law which applies to them, as it applies to a flower, a tree, a bird, to the beasts of the field or to a human being.
Can an animal therefore break its own law?
Only in a sense that you contravene a law, but it will operate just the same. You can transgress, but you cannot break the law in the sense of preventing effect from follow-ing cause. You can only kick over the traces.
Could an animal ever do anything for which it can be blamed spiritually?
Yes, if it transgressed the operation of natural law. There are rogue animals just as there are rogue human beings.
Would the individual animal know it had broken the law?
I do not know. I am not an animal. You must have the good and the bad. No animal, no human, nothing is perfect in your world.
If a human is bad he has a conscience. If an animal is a rogue animal there are reasons.
It is still subject to the law of cause and effect. I cannot alter the law.
It has been said by many guides that when an animal dies it returns to a group soul. However there is considerable evidence for animal survival. Could you enlighten us on this apparent paradox?
There is individual survival for domestic animals that have had association with humans. Thus they have been helped to achieve an individual evolution that is not possible with animals who are still in a group soul, or soul group, even on earth.
It is part of the wonderful relationship that can exist between humans and animals, each helping the other to develop spiritually. You help the animal that comes into your surroundings to achieve a consciousness that is more personal and individual than it otherwise would have been. It is that which survives death. But where there is not this more evolved "human" expression it joins the soul group or group soul.
This led again to a circle member's comment: "I feel that as humans develop under present circumstances and know more and more about animal life, this too will help the animals. This is so because we have proved that kindness affects animals. If you are kind to a wild baby animal it has demonstrated in many cases that it grows to have human characteristics."
"This is because all life is one," said another member. Silver Birch replied:
These are all branches of the evolutionary tree. These are all developments of the evolutionary pathway. In all such matters kindness produces kindness, compassion produces compassion, love produces love and hate pro-duces hate. So you must follow the highest ideals. In doing so you are helping one another in your evolution, the animal and the human, because all life is one life. There are physical divisions, but spiritually all are one.
A third member asked, "Would an animal reincarnate?"
No, though there is a theory about the transmigration of souls.
When the animal is no longer in contact with the person who is the cause of its progress, does it then slowly begin to return to the group soul, or alternatively is it in a kind of limbo?
All the animals associated with you will be there to greet you when you come here. They will stay with you as long as it is necessary to do so, because you have helped them to gain an individuality that cannot be dissolved and this will be perpetuated. It is the individuality that
Is it the intention that all such animals shall gain this individu-ality in association with human beings, that all animals shall have consciousness in their own right?
Yes, as man radiates love in his thinking and his actions towards all the animals, then in return they will radiate love and, as it says in your Bible, about the wolf and the lamb, man will lie down with them at the same time.
In order to sustain life, man has no alternative but to take plant life, filch fowls' eggs and cows' milk or, more savagely, slaughter animals. How can such imperative, robber sustenance be reconciled with an all-beneficent Creator without offence to that reason which you, often enough, have bidden us not to disregard?
Don't blame the Creator because you kill animals. The choice is yours. You do not have to kill them, but in any case the answer is very simple. Your evolution will decide for you what you should do in all these matters. If you have any doubts your conscience will give its added answer.
You are responsible for what you do, and all your actions will affect your spiritual nature. An added factor is your motive. If your motive is clearly good and you have to kill, then that obviously produces an ameliorative result in your development.
You cannot cheat the spiritual laws because they are based on cause and effect, reaping and sowing. Everything you do, think and say has an automatic, inflexible result; no cheating is possible. If you do wrong consciously then you are responsible for it. Your shoulders must bear the burden that results.
If you do good because you desire to do so, not for vanity's sake, because the motive then is poor, but because your soul desires to serve, then by the very fact of that happening you must be spiritually better for it. This is the law that will always operate.
I have always said that it is preferable not to be involved in consuming food that bears the mark of Cain upon it. Killing is wrong, though sometimes motive must of neces-sity be taken into account.
Those who desire spiritual mastery must be prepared to pay the price and live in harmony with the natural laws of the universe. These are spiritual in origin. The aspects of the spirit are always the same, love, compassion, tolerance, sympathy, co-operation. If you follow these principles you will find you are being led to eat aright, to drink aright, to live aright. But yours is the responsibility for deciding because the Great Spirit has endowed you with the gift of free will.
Perhaps you would like to say something about the latest problems in what they call animal farms. Antibiotics and other drugs given to animals are finding their way back into the people that eat their flesh.
It is part of nature's eternal cycle that if you inflict suffering on others you must pay the price for it. You cannot be cruel to others and escape the result of your cruelty. If, because of greed, and for no other reason, you imprison the animals and deprive them of their natural rights, then you are creating a vicious circle. The law of cause and effect operates with the result that you must suffer. Only through compassion, love, mercy, kindliness and co-operation do you achieve the best that the whole of nature has to offer, whether it be animal, vegetable, flower, bird or human.
Are we on the verge of discovering that we cannot help people through what we call vivisection? When that is understood, will that mean a great advance in our moral and spiritual life?
I would say that you can help people through vivisection, but it is not right to do so because it is contrary to every-thing spiritual to inflict cruelty and suffering on creatures who have done nothing to deserve it.
Man is responsible for what he does. His motive may be good in many cases and that will affect his spiritual development. That is how the law works. But it is not part of the divine plan that the children of the Great Spirit should become healthy through exploitation and cruelty to the animals in your world. This is so obvious that it requires no emphasis so far as I can see.
This is where the doctors have taken the wrong path. They justify themselves by saying that man is more impor-tant than the animal. Therefore he has a right to improve his health and well-being by experimenting on these creatures. But that is wrong.
The law is co-operation. Responsibility should engender mercy and compassion. You cannot exploit others without your suffering as a consequence. Exploitation is harmful to the exploiter. Cruelty is bad for the one who performs the cruelty. When you manifest love you are the better for it. When you manifest hatred you are the worse for it. This is how the natural law works.
It is right to strive to lessen the cruelty inflicted on animals, to show there is a better way, a way of mercy, that by teaching people how to order their lives aright, to live in harmony with the natural law, they will become well, healthy and radiant.
What is wrong spiritually can never be condoned. But in an imperfect world there will always be abuses and excesses. You must fight to promote the welfare of all who should dwell together in amity, peace, concord and love. For love is the fulfilling of the law. You cannot have love if you wreak cruelty on others.
The Nazarene laid it down that the greatest expression of love was to direct it towards your enemies. This is not easy. It is easy to love those for whom you feel affection, sympathy and kinship. But if you can love those who possibly may often be your enemies, then this is the highest manifestation of the divine. It always must be that the things that are worth while are the most difficult to do If it was easy to attain spiritual advancement, it would not be worth the having.
Probably a small advance is to wish our enemies well, which is as far as most of us can go.
Yes, but it must always be our task to direct you to express love, compassion and tolerance. These are the qualities of the spirit. As they manifest your world becomes better. So, you must go on doing the best you can. If you help one person, or one creature, it is worth while.
You have said that if the spirit is right then the material things will naturally follow and be right. How does that apply
to animals in this world who are being born to be tortured, slaughtered and misused generally by man? Surely their spirit is right.
No, that is not in the same category as the human spirit because man is given the responsibility of making the right choice; that is his free will. Man has the power of helping or hindering the evolutionary plan. Thus he has free will to decide, within limits, how he treats those who share the planet with him. Your world is full of many abuses. Not the least among them is the needless cruelty to animals and their exploitation. But it cannot be otherwise if man is to progress. Were he deprived of his free will he would not have the chance to evolve his individuality and develop. So this is the crux of the whole matter.
It is so difficult for us to understand how this is allowed to happen.
If you use the words "allowed to happen" it means you would rather humanity was robbed of its free will. I repeat that if humans are deprived of their free will they cease to be anything but puppets and are unable to unfold the divinity within them. Their spiritual natures will not evolve and the whole purpose of earthly life will be missed. You are put on earth because life is the nursery, the school, the training ground for the spirit. The spirit can evolve only when it is exercised by meeting challenges and overcoming them.
A circle member joined the discussion by saying: "It does seem unfair to our mortal, human minds that because mankind is learning and sometimes making bad mistakes, the corollary must be the ones that pay are defenceless animals. It seems there is something amiss where man does the wrong things and the animals pay."
How else would you have it?
"One would think that if a man did something wrong, then retribution would be on his head rather than on an animal." Silver Birch answered:
There is the law of compensation and retribution. You are affected spiritually and automatically by whatever good or wrong you do. None escapes the law of cause and effect. Compensation and retribution are intrinsically parts of the natural law. There is compensation for those animals on whom cruelty is wreaked, just as there is compensation for those who suffer from the despotic acts of humans in your world for which they are not responsible.
Another circle member said, "I do not think man will ever be other than cruel to animals."
No, that is not necessarily so. There will be a gradual awareness of man's responsibility to other forms of creation.
I do not say there will come a time when overnight cruelty will finish. You are evolving in an evolving world. There will be heights and depths, rises and falls, because evolution is spiral in its effect. But the overall picture is a gradual shift towards progress, otherwise there would be no evolution. You must recognise that the plan is devised, by infinite wisdom and love, so that provision has been made for everything and everybody.
Yet another circle member joined in: "I was going to say it is our fault that animals are being treated cruelly. Gradually human beings are learning they must not eat them." To this a visitor added: "I wish it were evident to man when he acted cruelly. He seems to get away with it." The guide countered:
Nobody gets away with it, to use your parlance. The law will always fulfil itself. If you cannot see the results in your world, I assure you they obtain in ours. You cannot in any way alter the law of cause and effect. This law is immutable, inevitable, mathematical in its operation. Effect must follow cause.
Nobody gets away with it. If people could, then the Great Spirit would cease to be the perfect justice that the Great Spirit is. There is another aspect which I always stress. It is that unfortunately you can only have the short-term, not the long-term, view. You see only what happens in your world, but the results are outworked in ours.
"We are impatient," said the visitor.
That we know. Do the best you can to awaken responsi-bility in others. Help to bring nearer that time when the wolf shall lie down with the lamb. Evolution must fulfil itself.
"If we as humans were able to live more the natural, divine way of life, thousands of animals would not be subjected to experimentation," said another guest.
That is true. We must persist in our efforts to spread enlightenment and truth wherever we can. Every time we break down a barrier we must rejoice. The power of the spirit works by evolution, not by revolution. The people of your world must pay the price for divorcing themselves from nature and all its great powers which are locked within its recesses.
Man is a spiritual being with spiritual attributes, spiritual potential, spiritual capabilities. Man has the power so to order his life that he is able to help others, particularly the animals, to evolve as well as himself. The plan must fulfil itself. Man can hinder and delay, but he cannot prevent it from coming into operation.
Animals are said to be our "lesser brethren." Is it true that they are less developed than humans and have not yet reached our stage of evolution? I am thinking for example, of the selfless
devotion and patience of dogs. Surely we could learn from them. Are they on a different path from ours?
No, evolution embraces all life. There is only one law of evolution for all facets of life. Words are always difficult. When you use the phrase, "the lesser brethren," it is suggested animals have not achieved the stage of awareness that humans have. And it implies this must be so because they are not endowed, as humans are, with all the mechan-ism for reason, understanding, judgement and for decision-making and to a large extent they are controlled more by instinct. So it is suggested they can be considered lesser from one point of view. But that is not the ultimate test.
Of course there is much to learn from animals. They express qualities of fidelity, devotion, helpfulness, sacrifice and dedication which are excellent examples for humans to copy. But, then too, humans are also capable of express-ing these qualities, and even to a greater degree, because their consciousness has evolved to a higher state, not a higher spiritual state, but a higher one than animals.
A circle member said, "Many people now dislike the word 'lesser' and say 'younger."
I think that is a much better description.
"We have so many wonderful stories of animals doing far better things than humans," the same member said.
"And some animals are psychic," added another.
That is part of the law of compensation which always operates. When there is a deficiency of one faculty there is a compensating faculty. Thus the blind man gets an increasing sensitiveness that ordinary people do not possess.
A lot of people ask if cats who live in homes are aware of spirit entities when human beings are not.
Of course they are. This is due to the fact that your civilisation, as it is sometimes mistakenly called, has com-pelled people to live further away from nature than they should. They are divorced from all the power and strength that nature brings. Thus their psychic faculties have become more inhibited than races who lived and still live closer to nature and all its tremendous resources.
Domestic animals, generally speaking, have not had the "benefits" of your civilisation. Their natural psychic faculties are functioning more than the humans who are allegedly called their masters. And they have a natural awareness of people from our world that unfortunately most human beings do not possess.
Animal welfare was also mentioned when the guide spoke to a bereaved husband whose wife had laboured in this field:
Your wife says she is pleased with you because you have continued the task which was the whole of her earthly life and in which you shared, playing your part in helping to end needless, foolish and wicked cruelty to animals. These are blots, foul stains on what is called civilisation. Those of you who are aware of the oneness of all life must never weary in the struggle to ensure that animals regarded as lesser beings should have the fulness which is their right.
Continue your challenge to oppression, cruelty, torture and needless shedding of blood. Help to play your part in this worthwhile struggle in which ultimately good will overcome man's folly.
For too long, this man commented, it was unfortunate that those who practised cruelty seemed to be on the winning side.
Good will triumph over evil, just as light will triumph over darkness. The power of darkness cannot triumph over light, neither can the power of evil triumph over good. Never lose heart. You have at your side many whose earthly lives were devoted to these causes and who continue to co-operate to ensure that freedom should come to all who dwell in your world.
The plan is there. You have the great privilege of help-ing to share in it so that it can be fulfilled, as ultimately it will be. Man can thwart, man can delay, man can hinder, but man cannot overrule the plan of the Great Spirit.
Silver Birch was told, "What I cannot understand is the lack of unity in people who are supposed to be fighting these
cruelties while those on the Other Side present a solid front."
Unity is very difficult to achieve. Unfortunately in your world personalities often take priority over principles. People engaged in good causes tend, as time goes on, to forget them and to think of self. This is a human problem. It exists largely through the lack of spiritual understanding. They are dedicated to the causes they serve only if they can be achieved their way, they say. In their vanity they believe that theirs is not only the right way but the best and the only one. This is one of the problems that causes dismay to those in our world who spent their earthly lives in championing these same causes.
What you have to doーit is not easyーis to get these people to understand they must try to forget their person-ality clashes, concentrate on the fundamental principles on which they should be engaged and work selflessly for those causes to which they were attracted first. It is not only true in the sphere of service in which you are engaged. It is true in other spheres.
Is it not true that in the movement called Spiritualism you have the same problem of people refusing to submerge personalities and there are clashes due to vanity? I say to you that no effort for good is ever wasted. Gradually these fights will be won because the power that is behind you is such that it cannot be halted. However great the opposition it will be forced to retreat.
Reform is not only inspired from our world, it has the blessing and co-operation of enlightened beings who bring great power to bear. You must always be urged to continue to fight for the things that matter. Never become weary in well doing. This is important. Keep a stout heart. There is plenty you can do. You are acquitting yourself well. When things are most difficult the way will be shown.
I cannot recall any difficulty that has come to any of you which has been insurmountable. Sometimes you have to wait until the 59th minute for help to come to you, but it comes.
The most beautiful rose is surrounded by thorns. Beauty emerges out of seeming dirt. There is a pattern, a polarity, a diversity, a corollary always to be observed in the working of natural law. Depth and height, sunshine and storm, ignorance and knowledge, war and peace, love and hate, error and truth, weakness and strength, each has its part to play.
Evolution cannot work in any other way. In your weakness you will find strength. In your darkness you will find light. In difficulty you will find help. It is plati-tudinous but still true to say that the darkest hour always precedes the dawn. This is part of the paradox of all being. This is how evolution is able to achieve its immutable purpose.
With this knowledge there should never be any need for sorrow, for thinking the powers-that-be do not know what they are doing. There are factors of which you are unaware. Just do the best you can. You are human, but you have the golden thread of divinity running through your being. This is your storehouse, your powerhouse, the source on which you can call for extra strength. This is your spiritual reserve that can help you.
When others are difficult, feel sorry for them. They have missed their way. Try to win them, not with heated words but with simple truth. They will learn in time. What you are doing is the choice made by your free will, perhaps one of the most important gifts conferred on you by the Great Spirit. You could have been puppets, ettes, with no ability to reason, think, challenge or question.
Instead you have potentially all the infinite qualities of divinity. You call them into being when you face challenge. This is the fire in which the steel is forged. This is the priceless opportunity; so show your mettle so that the gold of the spirit can emerge and exhibit its divine origin.
Never be afraid of the challenge or the fight. The combat is good for you as long as you realise you have a spiritual purpose to fulfil. I, a somewhat older soul than yourself, encourage you to realise always that eternal, spiritual principles are your guide lines and that adhering rigidly to them you cannot fail.
Welcoming another animal welfare worker, the guide said:
I am very glad to have you here. It is a great pleasure to welcome any servants of the spirit whose lives are dedicated to the task of spreading enlightenment and teach-ing compassion to all forms of sentient life.
I know that this task is not an easy one, that the path is full of difficulties, but the prizes of the spirit are to be won by those who can be the most steadfast when they are confronted with obstacles. You did not choose an easy path to follow. I am not suggesting that you complain. I am merely pointing out that this is what you have chosen to do of your own free will. There are many associated with you in my world who would like you to realise, as I think you do, that those engaged in championing causes that matter are never alone.
It is a very difficult task on which you are engaged. There are so many reforms to be accomplished. But every time you succeed in ending or lessening cruelty you are helping the eternal processes of creation to be fulfilled.
I do not have to tell you that the animals in your world have rights which are as inalienable as those of the humans with whom they share the same planet. I do not have to tell you that the evolutionary law encompasses all beings; that none can be outside this operation; that the whole of life, no matter how varied its forms, moves forward together; and that every act of cruelty, whether to humans, or animals, retards the progress of the whole of life.
You must regard it as a victory when you make any progress in this important field. You know, as well as I do, that the evolution of the human race is bound up with the evolution of all animals. Man retards his own progress when he ignores or forgets his obligations to those who serve him with devotion and fidelity, or who are placed on earth so that man can help them to progress as he does.
All the difficulties, wars, greed, selfishness, the by-products of materialistic thinking, these cannot be abolished until man on earth expresses the divine qualities of love, affection, pity, compassion, service. These are the divine attributes with which he is endowed. Until he manifests them he is marring his unfoldment. Every act of exploita-tion or cruelty hinders his advancement, apart from its deleterious effect on others, be they human or animal.
A band of great souls work with you. The man you call St Francis is almost the leader. He plays a very active part in this crusading and brings the power that he has gained since coming to our world to help in all that you are trying to do.
When you meet with problems, you have to make the decisions as to how to deal with them. There is no better rule than to withdraw into the silence and allow the divinity within to point the way where you should go.
The fields in which you labour are yours for the choosing. Organisations, societies, councils, these do not matter unless they fulfil the purpose for which they were formed. Always those with knowledge of inner life, and of spiritual values, who have access to other levels of being, should try to allow themselves to be guided so that what they do is actuated by the single motive of service.
If these words, which I have been asked to say, are of any help, then I am glad to have been the instrument for conveying them. The generals who are to be in charge of battles have to be tried and tested to ensure that they will not falter.
All that has gone before is an essential part of the trials and tests to make certain that the pure gold of the spirit emerges closer to the surface and that you become increas-ingly aware of that inner strength, that inner refuge, that inner sanctuary which is there and on which you can draw, or to which you can retire, as occasion demands.
"Your words are exactly what I need and will be of great help," said the visitor. "Sometimes we don't know which course to pursue."
You must always do what you think is right. Be sure you think it is right. If there is purity of motive then what follows is always to the good. If the motive is wrong then you have only yourself to blame. But if you fight and lose, and the motive is right, then you can pick yourself up and fight again.
We are warriors if necessary for war to be waged. After all, are we not engaged in one of the biggest of all wars? This is the war against ignorance, stupidity, selfishness, superstition, all the forces of darkness that resist the light. It is a war against oppression, cruelty, exploitation, needless suffering. This is a tremendous battle that has to be won.
If you enable one form of cruelty to be abolished then the whole of your earthly existence is worth while. It is this needless cruelty that must be fought again and again until it is driven from the face of your earth. Never allow yourself to be disheartened no matter how seemingly large the oppression. You will continue to have victories.
You may not be able to achieve in your own earthly period all the reforms you desire, but if you achieve one, two or three then you have justified your existence. Sometimes I wish that those of you who are immersed in this service could see how the animals in our world dwell in peace and harmony, with a complete absence of fear or terror. It is indeed a heaven for them.
シルバーバーチの霊訓 八
七章 愛すべき仲間たち───動物
(訳者注───最後の文は Kick over the traces という成句を使用している。traces というのは馬の引き革のことで、人間が摂理に順応できなくてわがままを言うのを、馬が引き革をきゅうくつに思って蹴ってあばれることに喩えている。)
ここでメンバーの一人が 「私は人間が進歩して動物の生命についてもっと多くを知るということも、動物の進化を促進することになると思うのです。優しい心が動物に良い影響を及ぼすことはよく分かっているからです。
霊的摂理は原因と結果の関係、タメ蒔きと刈り入れの原理の上に成り立っており、これは絶対にごまかせません。あなたのすること(何事においても情報を盗み、分かった気になる) 、考えること、口にすることの一つ一つがそれ相応の結果を自動的に生み出します。そこに「ごまかしは利きません。」悪いと知りつつ間違ったことをした場合は、その結果に対して責任を取らされます。その結果としての苦しみは自分で背負わねばなりません。
ここでサークルのメンバーが〝動物が人間よりも気高い行為をした感激的な話がたくさんありますね〟と言うと、別のメンバーが〝超能力をもっている動物もいます〟と言う。 するとシルバーバーチが───
訳者注───このあと動物愛護運動に夫婦ともども生活をささげて最近奥さんに先立たれた人との対話が紹介されているが、私の推察ではこの人は間違いなく英国のテレビ番組≪サファリ≫の制作者デニス氏で、奥さんが健在のころに一度夫婦して招かれて、シルバーバーチから賛辞を受けた時の様子が、ステラ・ストーム女史が編纂したPhilosophy of Silver Birch by Stella Storm に出ている。これは次の第九巻に予定しているが、理解の便を考えて、その部分をあえてここで紹介しておくことにした。
「あなた方(Michael & Armand Denis) は肉体に閉じ込められているために、ご自分がどれほど立派な仕事をされたかご存じないでしょう。お二人は骨の折れるこの分野を開拓され、人間と動物との間に同類性があり従ってお互いの敬意と寛容と慈しみが進化の厳律であることを見事に立証されました。
あなた方の仕事に対して人はいろいろと言うことでしょう。無理解、無知、他愛ない愚かさ、間抜けな愚かさ、心無い誹謗、等々。これには悪意から出るものもありましょうし、何も知らずに、ただ出まかせに言う場合もあるでしょう。それに対するあなた方の武器は、ほかならぬ霊的知識であらねばなりません 。
所詮はそれがすべての人間の生きる目的なのです。霊的知識を理解すれば、あとは「欲 」の皮さえ突っ張らなければ、神の恩恵に浴することができるのです。
arrow1-1.gif フランチェスコ
デニス氏 「どうもこれまでは残虐行為をしている側の方が勝っているように思えるのは不幸なことです」
シルバーバーチ 「光が闇を征服するように、善はかならず悪を征服します。闇の力は光には勝てませんし、悪の力も善の力には勝てません。気落ちしてはなりません。あなたの背後には、かつて地上で同じ仕事に献身し死後も引き続き地上の生命すべてに自由をもたらすために尽力している霊団が控え、味方になってくれております。
デニス氏 「私が理解できないのは、霊界では確固とした協力態勢ができているのに、地上で同じ愛護運動にたずさわっているはずの人たちの間に一致団結が見られないことです」
たとえばスピリチュアリズムと呼ばれている思想運動においても、自己顕示欲が強い人がいて、とかく自惚れが原因となって衝突が起きていませんか? 私は善のための努力は絶対に無駄にされないと申し上げます。
(※ リーダーといってよい立場、というあいまいな言い方をしたのは、その上にも、そのまた上にも高級霊が控えて指揮しているからである。『霊訓』のイムペレーターも四十九名の霊団の頭であるが、その上にはプリセプターと名のる、直接人間界と接触できないほどの高級霊が控えていた。
それは多分紀元前九世紀の予言者エリヤであろうとされているが、いずれにせよ最後に行き着くところは、地球圏に限っていえば、地球の守護神である。なお聖フランチェスコ San Francesco d'Assisi は十三世紀のイタリアのカトリック修道士で、庶民的愛と清貧を主義とするフランシスコ修道会の創始者───訳者)